Navigator / Agent / Commission


New Member
I am sure this has been discussed multiple times.
I apologize in advance and would appreciate someone filling me in on something simple.
- letter , plainly says an agent can be a "navigator" however they can't receive any compensation whatsoever, letter also states there will be training for agents that wish to be navigators.
Question one - Why would an agent want to be a navigator if they can't be compensated? (if I am understanding correctly)
Question two - Why am I reading elsewhere that brokers and agents will be compensated from some insurance companies for signing up people through the exchange?
I am sure this has been discussed multiple times.
I apologize in advance and would appreciate someone filling me in on something simple.
- letter , plainly says an agent can be a "navigator" however they can't receive any compensation whatsoever, letter also states there will be training for agents that wish to be navigators.
Question one - Why would an agent want to be a navigator if they can't be compensated? (if I am understanding correctly)
Question two - Why am I reading elsewhere that brokers and agents will be compensated from some insurance companies for signing up people through the exchange?

At this point in time is there really any concrete answers to anything about ObummaCare?
I am sure this has been discussed multiple times.
I apologize in advance and would appreciate someone filling me in on something simple.
- letter , plainly says an agent can be a "navigator" however they can't receive any compensation whatsoever, letter also states there will be training for agents that wish to be navigators.
Question one - Why would an agent want to be a navigator if they can't be compensated? (if I am understanding correctly)
Question two - Why am I reading elsewhere that brokers and agents will be compensated from some insurance companies for signing up people through the exchange?

If you're an agent now, with a book of biz, you would have to give it up to become a navigator. If no book, then you can be compensated as a navigator to the tune of about $50/mo, but it is different in every state.

Agents will be compensated by insurers, but the amount has yet to be released. But, if it's not enough, many agents will move on to other products.
I am sure this has been discussed multiple times.
I apologize in advance and would appreciate someone filling me in on something simple.
- letter , plainly says an agent can be a "navigator" however they can't receive any compensation whatsoever, letter also states there will be training for agents that wish to be navigators.
Question one - Why would an agent want to be a navigator if they can't be compensated? (if I am understanding correctly)
Question two - Why am I reading elsewhere that brokers and agents will be compensated from some insurance companies for signing up people through the exchange?

Clarification of this rule has been suspended for one year. You must still comply starting on open enrollment, but the rule will not be clarified till a later date.

This is to the benefit of everyone. If rules were clear, we couldn't change them on a whim. With greedy insurance companies refusing to sell insurance, we need to make sure we can force them to do the right thing, even if we don't know what it is and it turns out, they were already doing it. We will still blame them and then take credit for it.

Remember, this lack of clarity has resulted in millions of people already receiving benefits under the ACA, from rebate checks to staying on parents policies so 20 somethings don't have to get a job for years..... Seniors have access to doctors, and the election was good.

Now, go get me some more votes..... I mean sign people up for free government stuff.

For the sheer thrill of helping someone?

Did you see where VT is going to allow agent comp $20 pmpm?
Here's the deal, they can not include it in the premium it will be separate so the people see the additional broker fee. This is IF you use a broker/agent. Can you imagine how many people will cancel their plan and enroll online direct before 1-1-14 stiffing the agents? Take a fam of 4 that's $80 a month they will drop the agent like a hot potato.