Need a Final Expense Company That Fits Me

At least we know that agents that produce much FE with LH are making a KILLING. I had no idea that they paid those competitive commissions to the field agents. I thought the upline was getting it all.

100 first year with 15% 2-5 and 10% 6-10 with 5% forever is VERY good.

That's 210% over 10-years and 260% over 20-years.

I feel better knowing the FE field agents are at least paid well. No one could say they aren't.

Why is that part the best kept secret in the FE business? They should be advertising that more.
You keep switching companies on me. Thought you were still talking about LH. Those are good rates but not the lowest in the USA as you claimed.

55f 22.71. M 28.19
60f 28.81. M 38.34
65f 34.90. M 48.50
70f 45.53. M64.65
75 f 56.15. M 80.80
80f 86.75. M 121.23

As you can see SL&C was lower in every case except the 60 year old male. Plus, there are companies out there that at some ages have even better rates that SL&C. It had already been established that LH did not have the "lowest rates in the USA" and neither does SL on their low rate plan with restrictive underwriting.

Here's one for everyone up here to chase and compare:

65 male, heart attack last month, on kidney dialysis, undergoing chemo for his lung cancer. He can get a 10 year term (has 110% ROP 1st yr. and 120% ROP for 2nd year) for only $75.69 per month! How does this compare with other FE Co.'s?
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I ask you again. Post the three company's new fe annual premium for 2011 and I will prove you are wrong. I will be awaiting facts and not your MOUTH.

I don't think JD can provide everyone this info. If he could he would have already provided it.
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I received a yellow card yesterday from a LH agency with a recruiting spin on it..

It said they were # 1....

I would like to to see the facts that backed up the claim....

I bet I wont ever see it from anyone who claims they are #1..

Here's one for everyone up here to chase and compare:

65 male, heart attack last month, on kidney dialysis, undergoing chemo for his lung cancer. He can get a 10 year term (has 110% ROP 1st yr. and 120% ROP for 2nd year) for only $75.69 per month! How does this compare with other FE Co.'s?
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I don't think JD can provide everyone this info. If he could he would have already provided it.

Why would a 65 year old with those types of conditions need a 10 year term??! And what amount are you quoting??? I have guaranteed issue with no medical questions asked, as long as the individual is working 30 hours or more and pays first day benefit. Why wait 2 years for a death benefit???
Why would a 65 year old with those types of conditions need a 10 year term??! And what amount are you quoting??? I have guaranteed issue with no medical questions asked, as long as the individual is working 30 hours or more and pays first day benefit. Why wait 2 years for a death benefit???

I forgot to mention this was for $10k coverage.

As for the bold above, NO health questions with 1st day coverage (as long as they work 30+ hours per week)? What is the premium for $10K?
I forgot to mention this was for $10k coverage.

As for the bold above, NO health questions with 1st day coverage (as long as they work 30+ hours per week)? What is the premium for $10K?

Minimum benefit is 20k. 45.00 per month. No medical questions just need proof from employer saying you are working 30 hours a week
Here's one for everyone up here to chase and compare:

65 male, heart attack last month, on kidney dialysis, undergoing chemo for his lung cancer. He can get a 10 year term (has 110% ROP 1st yr. and 120% ROP for 2nd year) for only $75.69 per month! How does this compare with other FE Co.'s?
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I don't think JD can provide everyone this info. If he could he would have already provided it.

You are probably right that I cannot provide it. But, I haven't tried to either. I don't know if companies keep separate records so that makes your buddy even more of a liar.

He is the one making claims that he can't support. Even you should be smart enough to figure that out. But, one dishonest agent taking up for another dishonest agent should not surprise anyone.
You are probably right that I cannot provide it. But, I haven't tried to either. I don't know if companies keep separate records so that makes your buddy even more of a liar.

He is the one making claims that he can't support. Even you should be smart enough to figure that out. But, one dishonest agent taking up for another dishonest agent should not surprise anyone.

That's a pretty weak "let me wiggle outa this" excuse. You are making claims about a Co.'s production yet have nothing in print to support your position.

How can you expect us to believe you on this? Don't you think these type of careless comments from you lower your credibility over time?
Back Back Back Back that Big Big Big Mouth UP UP UP
So you finally state you don't know how. I can't believe this. Just to help you out yes you can find production numbers by company by product. Once you post the three companies new fe premium for 2011 that you boasted about I will prove you are wrong. I already have the facts to prove what I have stated. Let's see how smart you really are. Go find the numbers.

I don't know you so I have nothing against you but I must call you out when you make statements that are not true. I have to hand it to you as for believing in what company you work with.
Dont wiggle your way out. Why doesn't sl offer a term product with no medical questions ? Why does sl not be competitive with the independent chanels?