Need A GI For 84 Year Old Female NT

Yep,TD this morning on script check

But that was 1 company. Every company has different underwriting...that's why you should be contracted with 5-6 companies. Just because she was turned down by one, doesn't mean she'll be turned down by them all. I had a lady this week that I had to try 7 companies before I found one to take her. Some companies...American Continental for example, don't check for meds or height and weight, but most do.
I hear that Gerber would be the spot and you go as earned on the deal.
Gerber and Kemper only go to 80.

SNL and Moo. SNL-Security National, easy online contracting:swoon:
Good deal,looks like moo $70.25 a month. I need to get contracted.
Thanks guys.