Need Advice: New P&C License Looking to Start Own Business

I can't PM you because I have less than 20 posts. Can you message me your email or phone #?


I would recommend continue working on your marketing plan and talking with potential clients. This takes a long time to get comfortable with. Also, see if you can find a captive Agency that pays a salary. Don't work for a company that makes you pay anything back to them if you leave the company or they fire you...for example a subsidy. If you have questions you can message me.
Ive been in the P & C business for about 4 years now and I gotta tell you that its very tough to start out without a solid knowledge of the P & C business. Rigth now my book of business is finally growing but it took a while to establish myself as an "expert." What worked for me was to start at a captive agency, I saw the good, bad, and ugly of this business there. Worked a few years there and finally found an up and coming P & C brokerage that was eager to hire producers. Worked there for about another year or so and when I had a good base of clients I took the leap and went out completely independent. Now the tough part is getting affordable E & O and getting appointed directly.....