Need Help Please New Guy Here


First let me start by thanking anyone or anybody that can help me out since I am so new at this. I just got my 2-20 licensed' and my family has good connections. so far my father got me a huge account its a commercial master policy for 2 high-rise buildings in south florida both building are into a master policy where the liability, property, umbrella, business auto, workers comp and everything else is all in one. I have the hole book with all the jackets, the properties are 39,000.000.00 each and there is (two) buildings so 78 Mil in total, and the parking garage is 11 Mil so in total closed to 90,000.000.00 the premium yearly is 572.000.00.

Now since you guys know what I am working with I need a carrier where I can put this thing through and help lots of help!!!!. since next week the same building manager is sending me another Master Policy for another 107,000.000.00. Need to know as well what my pay out will be. thank you all and forgive me for my grammar is my third language.

954-224-8865 Cell
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Your not going to be able to write that. Especially in South Florida. That much property is going to eat up every company's capacity and they just don't want it. Not to mention nobody wants that Wind coverage. I'm working with a 43Mil church in Central Florida 80 miles from the coast and noone will write with wind coverage and your down in S. Florida, its just not going to happen. The companies that will write, won't appoint you because you have 0 experience and they can just get it from another agent who has 20 years experience and a loss ratio going back years. Think about it from a carriers perspective. One loss on a building like that, will throw the entire companies loss ratio off if they are not properly leveraged with GL Lines auto etc. so there may only be one or two that would even write it.
Not to discourage you but take what JOSHB is telling you seriously. Not only what he is telling you but I will add further that with you being an Allstate Agent up against Brown & Brown puts you at a further disadvantage. They have infinitely more resources to work with than you have. Not to say you can't do it but just realize the odds are really stacked against you.
Thanks for the info and I do understand that Allstate doesn't have nearly the same type of carriers that brown and brown has to write that policy, that's why I ask where can I put this thing through, again I ask for help and please don't take this the wrong way I very much thank you for your words both, but I don't like negative things this is the way that I look at it if they can do it, I c. As well,I will find a way to, point simple.
we just wrote the Flood policy last week on thursday close to 42,000.00 premium on both buildings. waiting on the rest until June... in the other hand I just got last week another policy from the same guy for 613.000.00 in premium per year this one everything expires on March,so far so good. thanks Moe out of cali for the hookup we just got appointed with WestRope !!!!