Need Perspective on Individual Policy in CA


New Member
Perspective on the following would be so appreciated:

I'm seeking an individual policy in CA to start end November. Currently covered by COBRA. Healthy, 40 year old female, 5'10" and 128 pounds, non-smoker, don't take any meds. I need advice on the carrier most willing to cover me in CA as my medical history includes that I took the antidepressant Wellbutrin 150mg/daily from April '07 through May '10. I also took Celexa about ten years ago (don't recall dose) for maybe a year or less. Counseling about twice a month in 2007. Counseling about four times total in May/June of this year. No hospitalization ever. No suicidal thoughts ever. I think the technical diagnosis when I started taking the wellbutrin was recurrent major depression. I'm currently very well and not taking medication or counseling. No other health issues. If anyone has thoughts on which carrier might be most likely to accept me (I don't want to get rejected) I'd be very grateful. High deductible would be fine.