New Approach to Small Group

ABC, just read your thread and am interested in hearing of any progress on your part. Sound reminiscent of "The New Health Insurance Solution" which I thought was a good idea, but then backed off of for many of the reasons stated by others above.

My employer-clients are really feeling the pinch and I'm sure there are lots of prospects that would be interested in such a design.
ABC, just read your thread and am interested in hearing of any progress on your part. Sound reminiscent of "The New Health Insurance Solution" which I thought was a good idea, but then backed off of for many of the reasons stated by others above.

My employer-clients are really feeling the pinch and I'm sure there are lots of prospects that would be interested in such a design.

I have thrown this idea out to a few current clients but with business being so bad they said they did not want to fund the H.S.A.