New & Have an Important Life Agent Question

Thank you. No my parents only signed up because WLG was offering "equity share credits" ... but that never went through ...
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***How are you working .. if you don't mind me asking?

As you can tell by all my post, Very little.

Not sure what you are asking.
I am a Life Agent. I have been doing this for a long time. I pretty much work by referral and I work my book of business.
Im just about to turn 18 ...
Not to be discouraging, but at your age you are going to have MASSIVE credibility issues with any viable demographic. What is the minimum age in your state for obtaining a license?

I would consider working in an agency office and gaining exposure to other agents and the inner workings of the industry. I give you thumbs up for your ambition, but a little reality will go a long way. Good luck.
Im just about to turn 18 .. but when I was 14 my parents signed up with a multi-level company where I learned about life insurance, Real Estate, Financial services and had a really nice lady teaching me everything she knew I even took the 52 hr course at that age just to gain the knowledge I have been waiting for my birthday and finally pursing my life licence. I know I'm young but I'm very determained & know what I want I have some experience in financial services already

If you want to make a good impression, you should be careful about your spelling. However, in light of your youth such errors are understandable. Modern American education!:goofy:
Lissette, don't let him fool you. He works for the corner liquor store. The company's send the payments to them, and if there is anything left the store gives him grocery money on Monday.
Lissette, don't let him fool you. He works for the corner liquor store. The company's send the payments to them, and if there is anything left the store gives him grocery money on Monday.

I beg to differ. I do not work for the Liquor Store.
I work the Liquor Store. That is my spot. Change and an occasional Nattie Light.
I beg to differ. I do not work for the Liquor Store.
I work the Liquor Store. That is my spot. Change and an occasional Nattie Light.

Man, they are nice there. Here you get a Southpaw. Of course, since liquor stores can't sell beer here, you get a bottle of cheap wine. I'm mention a name, but I'm not up on my Wino Specials.