New Independent Agency


New Member
Iam looking for advice in regards to leaving my current employer and starting my own agency. A little bit of background:

I have been currently working at an agency (I won't specify the name) for 6 years. I am currently licenced in Property and Casualty and hope to be licensed in Life & Health soon. I love my job and what it entails. I am a very honest agent and try to do the very best for my customers. I just feel Iam building up a company for my boss who is no longer interested in the business and is using me. My boss has taken another job and I have ran the business for the last 5 years. Although it is his business, I feel Iam getting the short in of the stick when it comes to my salary. There are other things, but I don't want to discuss those at the present time.

I have already done the route of finding new companies to write for at my current job and have done very well doing that. I have brought in 6 new companies in the last 2 years and have built up the book of business. Each company has said we (meaning me since Iam the only one here) are doing a great job and I just feel I could put my work ethic in to a business for myself. I know how to find companies and sign up with them and whatnot. I just guess Iam needing the support as well as any pointers anyone on here can pass along.

I know the usual things that are needed.

1.) Licence (already have)
2.) E&O Insurance (already quoted and ready to purchase)
3.) Office Space & Equipment (already have)

I would like to give my current boss fair notice as to when I plan to leave, however, I would also like to get started on my own agency.

Iam not familiar with if you can write insurance for a company being and independent agent and no actual business. Also, is there any companies out there that are comfortable with an agent being home based the first 6 months to a year and then opening the actual office? I hope Iam making sense. In my mind I know what I would like to do, but it just seems like a huge step and I am a bit scared but I know I can handle the job as I am doing it now and have been for several years. THANK you all in advance for your help.
Well Pam this is a very good question and comes up often. How about if you ask your boss if you can buy the agency from him or her. That would be a great idea since the clients know you already and you know how to run the agency.

A lot of the staff think they can just do better on there own and run an agency. Its very difficult running and owening and insurance agency. Especially one from scratch. Hope my idea will work for you. Good Luck
I have taken that apporach. However, he isn't ready to part with it yet. :( On another note, why would he? Iam already doing everything from A to Z. Iam just ready to take the leap and move on. The good thing is, my family can survive off just my husband's income with the hopes of the "new agency" evenutally turning a profit. I know that I can do it as I have been doing insurance for 6 years and running the dang place for 5! My boss just wants the money but doesn't want to help with the business. Thank you for your reply.