New Trans offering!!

I wrote a F,NT,72,Afib today 11K $65.75 preferred NT Immediate Solution.
Decision 5 minutes after submission.
Was the cheapest on Toolkit.
I always thought Afib was standard until today ?
E-App is still not formatted correctly and has way to many pages to flip through.

I just looked at the new product and FE Express Solution Select for the same client is $79.32. Way higher!

Are they getting rid of Immediate Solution and replacing the product with this ?
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I always call it like I see it . I love am
Plenty of your questions answered here

I don’t have time to watch the whole video . Reading the info i didn’t see were they will mail a physical policy to the client . It seemed everything electronic . On the ap can you select for them to mail a policy to client? Thats super important
There’s an electronic portal, which makes things easier to manage, but I’m certain they’re mailing physical policies that something they’ve always done good.
There’s an electronic portal, which makes things easier to manage, but I’m certain they’re mailing physical policies that something they’ve always done good.
Yes I remember the old red policy’s . I still got 100 plus policy’s on books ( most from 2013-2017) and haven’t wrote them in 4 plus yrs i bet .I loved them in the day .I do find it interesting they basically take most ailments yet have a somewhat tight height /Wt. I guess the memory of getting still them with all the heavy people in old days sticks in there head . He comments like the customer service good . Is it same customer service as before?