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Here is my questions.

If most medical records are now paperless, why does it take so long to get an aps from a doctor?
If most medical records are now paperless, why does it take so long to get an aps from a doctor?

Most are not. They will now have to convert to EMR or face still fines courtesy of the Obama administration.

Records are stored offsite if they are more than a year old and have to be retrieved.

A lot of the delay is the docs insisting on having their own HIPAA release forms signed and getting payment before they release info. I have had cases where it took 2 months before the doc finally agreed to release records.
Most are not. They will now have to convert to EMR or face still fines courtesy of the Obama administration.

Records are stored offsite if they are more than a year old and have to be retrieved.

A lot of the delay is the docs insisting on having their own HIPAA release forms signed and getting payment before they release info. I have had cases where it took 2 months before the doc finally agreed to release records.

I have Kaiser and look at my records all the time at .

Just thought the process would get faster now, with most records going paperless and online.
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