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Simmons kissing his new wife. OMG!!! When Botox goes bad!!!

Simmons or his wife.

wife is not new....she is the mother of his kids.

Technically, wife is new.

Married about a week ago.

Yes, she is da baby mommy and he is da baby daddy, but newle wed.

Is he still pimping life insurance for some outfit in TN?
Learned that trick a long time ago.... keep it in the deep fryer till its well done!!!

man I do not know if Marks system can handle chicken fried steak.....

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Simmons or his wife.

Technically, wife is new.

Married about a week ago.

Yes, she is da baby mommy and he is da baby daddy, but newle wed.

Is he still pimping life insurance for some outfit in TN?

yea....the family jewels show is covering that this week....personally thinking it is 90% self promotion....
You don't drink wine with southern fried steak! You drink sweet tea!

Wine is for the ho-down after the meal! And that might be some muscadine wine.
I've got some port wine that is pretty sweet. I've never tried adding it to tea though.

Does go well with chocolate.

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