Newbie Question

Vector simply keeps you from getting commission advances. You can still get appointed on an as earned basis with almost anyone.

Back when I was actively recruiting we appointed folks with outstanding balances, bankruptcies, etc. Just did it as earned.
My anecdotal advice tells me, and it may well be wrong, that it is much easier to get a salaried position doing p&c than it is doing l&h. However, once you start one way, it is much harder to start over with the other.
My anecdotal advice tells me, and it may well be wrong, that it is much easier to get a salaried position doing p&c than it is doing l&h. However, once you start one way, it is much harder to start over with the other.

OK, we're on the same wavelength! I thought p & c would get me employed quicker with a steady paycheck, but life & health appeals to me much more.

& that's my dilemma at the moment. Theoretically, I could get licensed in both & see what opportunities come my way when the time is right?

Thanks, everyone.
Beth - is there anyway that you could operate life and health on a PT basis, and still maintain a "job" while you're doing that? It certainly isn't the ideal situation, but I think it could be possible.
While it could be done, it really isn't a very good idea. If you want to be successful, you need to try and focus your energy on one or two areas. Health and life go together with each other very well, not as well with p&c.

Once you are doing something for a while, it works to add a new product line. Depending on how fast you learn, it can be a pretty short time. However, when first getting started, it is vital to focus all of your energy on what your main job is, otherwise, you will end up doing a half asses job of it.
Beth... I may have missed where you are from? How much start-up money do you have? I know in my town, there are tons of agencies looking for good people to "get there feet wet" in the insurance industry and will pay a salary. It is typically P&C agencies though.

I personally don't think P&C would be much fun, but it would be an opportunity to learn the basics of sales and insurance. You might talk with some agencies and find out if they would mentor you on life/health as well. I started as a captive agent about 5 years ago and just now going independent. I think someone with experience and product knowledge could probably swing the indy thing with only about 3 months income in the bank, but if you had a rough couple of months, it could get tight. 6 months and some experiece in the industry IMHO is the best strategy before going independent. Good luck!

Also, if you wanted to learn the life insurance side of the business there are a ton of captive outfits that will really teach you the business. Many will offer some type of salary or training allowance. NYL, Met, NWM... none are bad places to get a start in insurance.
I'm in central Indiana. There are a ton of agencies in my city, but I wanted a license behind me before I approached anyone.

I'll keep you updated as I go, thanks everyone!
Hi Beth, I am in Indiana too, just south of Ft. Wayne. I have been in the L&H business for 4yrs and just now goig INdependent. I wish i would have 3 years ago. I have a couple of opinions on some of the career agencies around here.

Some good, some very bad, you can email me if you want. I would definetly start with a compay that pays commission fast.