Newbie Question

Should have looked at your profile :goofy: If you have never sold insurance before the common census from what I have seen is to get with a local agency(captive) for a year or so, learn the ropes, get a good work ethic,maybe build up a network of agents clients and other people in your coi .
If this is not what you want to do in other words you want to take a "leaping sign of faith" I would say start with one company that has the products you are most interested in. I happened to start with someone right in your area there on camelback rd. Lincoln Heritage They offer medicare supplements;both standard and select, final expense and a stand alone accident policy. The support there is top notch they actually answer the phone!!! they pay on submission which means you get paid faster (just write good business)They even have a group health plan for agents that work full time and meet min. production. They also have a descent lead program after you issue a few policies.

Hope this helps!:smile: