No Alternative Yet??

If I thought that Congress would enact a replacement plan that makes some sense (voucher based on income, no marketplace, etc, etc) I am all for SCOTUS throwing this thing out-the problem is that you don't know what would replace it (although it probably can't be worse).
Funny thing is, the Supreme Court is not ruling on Obamacare. They are ruling on an IRS interpretation of a part of how it is administered.

No replacement is needed, based on that.

What happens if the Supremes say the exchange must be from the state? Well, people have to pay for their own healthcare. Is that a terrible thing?

Truth is though, till you get the ruling, you don't know what you are fixing. Unless you want to replace the entire thing (and Obama won't let that happen), then why have a replacement ready to go? They could (and probably should) vote on an extension of benefits to everyone till the end of the year. Problem is, if they do that, benefit extensions almost never die. They will have to extend again.

Also, my guess is, the President wouldn't sign off on an extension. He would want a full waiver, basically a change in the law, or nothing. I doubt Congress would go for that, so its a standoff caused by one person, again.
