No Quality Ratings on Covered CA

To be honest, those ratings are legitimately unfair. Either they are provided by "third parties" that are paid by carriers, provided by the "exchanges", who protect the interest of the government, or are provided by "people" who obviously don't know a damn thing about healthcare and just want to give 0 stars because they had an issue, or 5 stars because they haven't. There is no sample, no frame of reference, most people only had one or two carriers in a lifetime. It's about as trustworthy as electronics reviews from seniors.

(Sorry seniors. I sold tech for years, it's just plain true for 99% of you.)
I'd bet everyone will just rely on "Sort:lowest price first" and choose the first option.

If they care, the first option with their doctor in-network and their prescriptions in the formulary.

What else is there to worry about? They're all the same, Obama told me so.