No Standardization

FRANK SAID- "It sure sounds like it is all about his commission without having any compassion for his prospects."

You got a lot of nerve inferring that I am all about the money considering
you are the one in this forum always trying to suck newbys into contracting underneath you. You don't see me using this forum as a way to make money like you do on a daily basis. If you were a tenth of the insurance agent you claim to be you wouldn't have to be on the internet trying to recruit people to work for you for basically nothing in return. If you really are out in the field then you know that seniors are more confused today then ever, If you were really out in the field everyday like myself instead of sitting back trying to make money off other agents then you would know that 9 out of 10 seniors could not begin to tell you what the difference between med supps and medicare advantage let alone tell you the difference between an "A" and an "F" plan. These new standardized med supp plans coming out June 1rst of next year are going to have co-pays and deductibles. Now if you were around when the standardized plans came out in the 90's you will remember that part of the simplification of these plans was to remove confusing co pays and deductible. Standardization did not help the seniors or the agents it only helped the insurance companies by removing competition and high commissions. Free enterprise and capitalism are never served well when an industry is allowed to engineer legislation giving itself unfair advantages over its customers and employees.
Ok. Everyone take a deep breath and relax.
I long for the old days when every med supp app I wrote was with UA and I was paid 60% 1st year! UA controlled the market.
Standardization and the Medicare Limiting Charge changed med supps dramatically. Say good by to 60% 1st year.
Let's talk about confusion. Med supps are not confusing.
Part D and MA is a mess!!
Fella's, without confusion there would be no need for agents. I look at this as job security. The more confusing the better.
"Ok. Everyone take a deep breath and relax"

I am relaxed and calm. But when (Frank) who spends his days in here recruiting unsuspecting agents to sell for him proceeds to call me greedy then its time for a reality check. I can promise every agent that reads this forum that I will never attempt to try to make money off of them. I made a post attempting to educate agents on the underlying motives of the insurance companies concerning "standardization" and this guy tried to twist that into I was a greedy crooked agent. I think I shall wait along time for an apology from this so called honorable man..........Sorry
I was giving my opinion, didn't mean to start a fight. I have been in the senior market since 1982, I made and still make a very comfortable living in the senior business.

Standardized plans are not the best thing for the seniors, its not the best thing for the agent. Can you imagine how far we would have come if the government jumped in to standardize everything? We would be back in the 1950s no reason to become better, just have 10 automobiles, 10 home designs, 10 vaccines, 10 computers... oh yes No home computers just government computers, 10 shoe designs.

Creativity is a must in all business's, take it away and you get exactly what we have now. It is in NO way the best thing for the customer, it may make your job easier, but no standardized supplements are not better for your clients.

Prices have jumped on Supps not just because of increased cost in healthcare, STANDARDIZATION has driven up the cost... ask your clients if they like that?

We are going to make 10 plans and 10 plans only they will be identical with all companies, ur cost is going to skyrocket but now listen BUT it will be easy for me as an agent and you as a consumer to understand.

Oh yes before standard plans, just like now they have to have approval by your state.

STANDARDIZATION has ripped you me and your clients off!
Dan said- " STANDARDIZATION has ripped you me and your clients off!"

I started selling to seniors in 1981 and you are dead on the money with everything your saying about "standardization".
Well Yoda...I noticed you're from Alabama. Did you ever sell for Associated Doctors Insurance?

I go back a few years before you and did sell for them, then I discovered UA and the rest was history for several years.

They had the best plans, easy underwriting and fast claim payor before they went electronic. Believe they were one of the first to do that too. I miss those days.

We're coming into some crappy times for seniors and agents. I am pessimistic.