Non-GI for dialysis?

So, you've got a 60 year old man and we want to put a 20 year term on him? Unless this guy is 100% sure he won't make it another 20 years....I wouldn't do it.
20 years on dialysis? Probably not going to live that long. Also, death benefit decreases 5% a year starting in 2021 so it's not like the policy terminates. Also the rates are much better than GI and a much stronger billing system that will keep stuff on the books.
You're right....PROBABLY not going to live that long. But I sure wouldn't sell it unless the client understood...if you outlive're going to have nothing!
Again, that's not really how this product works, but when it comes to term I generally agree with you. This product is a win win for those people who have cancer, dialysis, HIV etc for more than two years. It has true ss billing, generally much better comp and better rates for the client.
Oh Crap! Well Todd, if you bother to actually open up the attachment and see that it is Prosperity's, then it makes a ton of sense! I see you even mentioned that it was Prosperity! Maybe it's time for new glasses!!
Hate to be an optimistic but, I always shoot for the graded and hope for the best outcome. I have seen SO MANY come back from the edge of death. Plus, the old cancer was VERY fatal. Now, remission is so common now a days. A 20 year risk is not what i would recommend.