Non Resident Licensing

I've been through this non-resident process 5 times now. Getting the license is the easy part, just a matter of whipping out your credit card.

Other parts of the non-res licensing process are more difficult. Before you go whipping your card out, I have two key pieces of advice:

1. Don't just assume that the carriers you have in your resident state will automatically appoint you for the non-res state you're going after. While some carriers have no problem with out of state appointments at all, other carriers can have deal-breaker limitations.
  • some limit you by distance (e.g. your agency must be within 50-100 miles of that state's border).
  • some require a physical office front located in the non-res state.
  • some limit you to only border states of your resident state.
2. Don't underestimate the learning curve required to learn the differences of other state's insurance laws, ins and outs of differences in policies, etc. There is no one-stop resource in helping you with this so you'll need to research multiple sources. Some states are harder to learn than others also.