Nullification of Obamacare

That will be the new word of 2011: NULLIFY

I have been following this movement closely, and I am convinced it is the country's only means to salvation from its own perilous actions.

Tom Woods is the author of Nullify Now, he has a popular tour around the country, and his book was very educational.
On the other hand, CA has already implemented the exchange.

So we can have 5 or 6 commie states to battle it out for the most liberal.

I heard house republicans are floating legislation to let companies compete over state lines...

Please explain to me, what would this accomplish? Except for the Blues, most companies are already in multiple states, and the parents of some Blues are in multiple states as well. I still haven't heard anyone explain what this really means.
I wonder if agents are concerned about this because they (mistakenly) believe that commissions will go back to PPACA-levels if it's defunded, nullified or otherwise canceled.

Newsflash. Even in the most remote possibility that any kind of revocation takes place, commissions are going to stay exactly where they are. Period.

The Rubicon has been passed...
Please explain to me, what would this accomplish? Except for the Blues, most companies are already in multiple states, and the parents of some Blues are in multiple states as well. I still haven't heard anyone explain what this really means.

agree 100%

the only scenario I see that opening state lines and being helpful would be something like this.

A person moves from PA to California and wants to keep the plan he/she currently has in PA.
agree 100%

the only scenario I see that opening state lines and being helpful would be something like this.

A person moves from PA to California and wants to keep the plan he/she currently has in PA.

I'm just taking a stab- I thought it may have been so companies can average MLR across state lines, using excess in one state to fund shortcomings in another. If Texas is running at 89%, CA can run at 71% (obviously rough math, assuming comparable enrollment.)