Number of Days in Field

Look at me continuing to be agreeable! I'm pretty sure this is my thesis that got me on an ignore list though, so be careful.

There is no one thing. Life is too complicated for easy answers. It's all a balancing act and different things are going to tick different people's boxes.

I agree with that. This is why I tell my agents that there is no one way to make sales. There is no "magic script" that works for every agent. The best an upline can do for an agent is to bring THEIR sales ability out, not your own. What I do works for me, probably not the next agent.

Therefore, to tell an agent that the best thing they can do if they hit their goal early is to quit for the week is pretty crazy. Maybe that agent wants to keep working. But wait! Won't that agent get burnt out? Maybe you will, and maybe the agent won't. Either way, that's for him or her to decide.

I have only heard of one person in my sales career that said to absolutely quit when you reach your money goal. Is he right and the rest of the world is wrong? No!
I worked backwards from where I want my income level to be in order to determine the activity goal.

This is what you have to do. Taking a SWAG at an activity goal will produce mixed results.

And it's not just activity. It must be the RIGHT activity.

Hitting a ball off the tee is not the same as BP practice. BP is not the same as a live game.

you will have bad days and bad weeks, but if you do the activity you should never have a bad month. Therefore, he warned new agents to focus on the activity, not the result.


The worst thing that can happen to anyone, especially a rookie, is to have an outstanding day or week early on. Too easy to sit back and think there is nothing to this business.

Those folks will often flame out early.

I'm surprised the amount of effort others go through to make half of what a good insurance agent makes,

Years ago I worked with a fellow that had to be the laziest guy I knew. He had so much going for him.

Smart. Tall. Handsome. Tall. Quick wit. Tall. Engaging conversationalist.

Did I mention he was tall.

His goal was to always be in the middle of the weekly sales reports.

Produce too much and your boss expects more from you.

Too little and you get fired.

But everyone in the middle has it easy.

Oh, and he was tall.
His goal was to always be in the middle of the weekly sales reports.

Produce too much and your boss expects more from you.

Too little and you get fired.

But everyone in the middle has it easy.
Worked with a District Manager that had the same philosophy... Served him will for 30+ years through the buy outs and mergers.. They kept him when they were letting others go..
I agree that the activity goal is important but so is an income goal because that is the only way to measure if your activity goal is effective.. You can tons of activity but if you do not earn enough to pay your bills, you won't last long...

If you can't pay your bills gin up your activity.

Then work on refining lead generation, appointment setting, "sits", the presentation.

Eventually you will figure out what needs tweaking. What works. What doesn't.

Or you will drop out.
I worked 3 days a week from 10-4 when I was in the field. (**To my agents, pretend you didn't see that and #seethepeople).

Then someone put a thought into my head to build an agency. Now I work 722 hours a week.

I'm having a blast though!!