NY Call Center- Where to Start


New Member
Myself and a group of co workers recently rented an office in NY.
Our experience is from outside the industry.
We are licensed as broker (NY only) in life and health, property casualty. We want to find a niche and hit the phones. ie health insurance supplemental plans, or other niche. Any suggestions on how to get started?
Do you need product? Call lists? Personnel?

If you need product, shoot me a PM. I work at a NY based GA and we've been focusing on non-health product that won't be affected by PPACA all year. Most of what we have is exclusive in some way (rates, product designs, underwriting requirements).

If you need a call list, check some of the suggestions in the cold calling forum.

Definitely get your PPACA knowledge up, you will be facing myriad questions from clients. It's the hot-button issue and your knowledge will be invaluable in making a sale.

Best of luck.
Myself and a group of co workers recently rented an office in NY.
Our experience is from outside the industry.
We are licensed as broker (NY only) in life and health, property casualty. We want to find a niche and hit the phones. ie health insurance supplemental plans, or other niche. Any suggestions on how to get started?

I will be glad to help you on the Medicare and FE side as well as provide you with lists. Shoot me an email. [email protected]