Obama Signs Bill Expanding Federal Health Care for Kids

I've kept my big-nose out of this one, but...you WANT him to fail. WOW!

The "death of our nation"? Come on...

I don't mind paying higher taxes to smoke a good cigar....plus it helps more children get health care.

I haven't seen him hanging out with Ayers lately.

Yes I want all of his policies to fail. I have studied them fairly extensively and the only thing the man has ever said that I agree with was "Brothers pull your pants up!"

He was hanging out with Ayres while they were on the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago. Obama also launched his run for the presidency at Ayres house.

Yes, it will be the death of our nation as we know it. The stimulus plan has so much in it that is more social/socialist engineering and the spending is so far off the charts that we will never be able to get our country back to being the world leading power in most major industries.

If you have not read the stimulus, you should. I have and I understand what it means and it scares the crap out of me.

If you are already 2 trillion in debt (doesn't matter how you got there), you have no room to go and borrow another trillion dollars from anywhere. Obama promised tax cuts for 95% of Americans. Do you really believe that this stimulus can be paid for by cutting taxes for 95% of the American population? So either he will break his major campaign promise (no surprise there!), or he will raise taxes on ALL OF US to pay for this pile of crap.
Obama promised tax cuts for 95% of Americans. Do you really believe that this stimulus can be paid for by cutting taxes for 95% of the American population? So either he will break his major campaign promise (no surprise there!), or he will raise taxes on ALL OF US to pay for this pile of crap.

40-45% of Americans do not pay taxes as it is. So he promised a tax cut/subsidy to many who do not even pay taxes in order to get to the 95%.

Free stuff is good.
OK, fine. What should we do. You right-wing Bush-nuts got us here. So we should just do more of the same... the trickle down crap?

If YOU were president what would YOU do?

You ultra-conservatives who want to go back to Alabama of 1958 are the party of "No." You have no policies of your own. It's all zero-sum to you people. If the country or Obama wins and we get out of this... you lose.

You Limbaugh-losers are not real Americans. You should all move to Russia because you are more in agreement with Putin than anyone in this country. Stand up for America. Support your new president and give him a chance to build a team and win some games, just as you would an NFL coach.

You Republicans are pathetic and the entire country would be well-rid of you if you would just move somewhere else. Everyone in the room gets along (whites, oriental, hispanic, African) until you people show up and preach the Limbaugh-brand of hate, discord and the fervent hope that American fails.

Face it "motoxx," you don't want Obama to fail, you want to see class warfare. You want to see the government taken down in a civil war where you and your right-wingers take over. It means nothing to you that we had a free and mostly fair election and you LOST. Indeed, the only way you can ever escape from being a permanent minority IS for this country to fail.

Move away. Please. You will be so much happier in a banana-republic or perhaps a Cheney-like African regime somewhere. :yes:

Go in peace... but go.

DID someone forget to take his meds this morning?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that higher tobacco taxes were going to help fund this...

But I thought that tobacco was bad and we should all quit...so then where would the government get the money???

Hey it's the Stig (avatar).

SCHIP is really free healthcare for illegal alien children and their parents. If you want everything free and the best healthcare for free - get elected to Congress or become an illegal alien.

Politicians love cigarettes, oil companies and utilities because they tax the hell out of them. :1mad:
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Yes I want all of his policies to fail. I have studied them fairly extensively and the only thing the man has ever said that I agree with was "Brothers pull your pants up!"

He was hanging out with Ayres while they were on the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago. Obama also launched his run for the presidency at Ayres house.

Yes, it will be the death of our nation as we know it. The stimulus plan has so much in it that is more social/socialist engineering and the spending is so far off the charts that we will never be able to get our country back to being the world leading power in most major industries.

If you have not read the stimulus, you should. I have and I understand what it means and it scares the crap out of me.

If you are already 2 trillion in debt (doesn't matter how you got there), you have no room to go and borrow another trillion dollars from anywhere. Obama promised tax cuts for 95% of Americans. Do you really believe that this stimulus can be paid for by cutting taxes for 95% of the American population? So either he will break his major campaign promise (no surprise there!), or he will raise taxes on ALL OF US to pay for this pile of crap.


O's game plan is almost identical to the left's in the UK.
1. Flood the country with Islamic "refugees" - O already signed the exec order for Hamas to send hundreds of thousands.
2. Pander to Islam. Pardoned USS Cole bomber and others plus closing Gitmo. This is "catch and release." Our troops get killed catching and the left releases them.
3. Massive gun control. Did anyone see the new anti-gun bill?
4. Bankrupting the state. UK is close to going under.
5. Massive giveaways to refugees including jobs while the indigeneous population gets nothing.
6. Rationing healthcare and other things for the elderly and giving it to new refugees.
7. Destroying the populations retirement assets to make them more dependent.
8. Criminal rights and less victims rights.
9. Higher taxes.
10. More repressive laws to silence free speech or political dissent - see the BNP in England.
11. More govt control of the business sector - in other words all the job creation will occur by the state.

In about 15 years the left destroyed England. Now the cops in the UK run away from Islamists who are all on welfare. The same thing is happening in Belgium, Holland and Sweden. The left in 15 years essentially destroy a 1,000 year old civilization.

Obama is a marxist disaster and his skin color is a non-issue. He is also not black and he is also an ineligible usurper until he provides access to his birth certificate.
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So based on what I've read, if you make under $80k you would be stupid to buy your own medical insurance. Why don't they add in paying for everyone's electric bill and heating bill? We cannot have America's children going without heat and myspace.

The reality is that many of the people who are uninsured could afford health insurance if they didn't waste their money on cigarettes, crank, beer, lottery tickets, etc. They choose to spend their money elsewhere and don't buy insurance because they are counting on someone bailing them out.

You walk into someones house whose on SSI and most of the time you will see fat lazy scumballs who are milking the system watching a brand new big screen tv. They think people who work are idiots. This bill increases this belief and will only add to our increasing history of taxpayers bailing out a large number of losers.
I've kept my big-nose out of this one, but...you WANT him to fail. WOW!

The "death of our nation"? Come on...

I don't mind paying higher taxes to smoke a good cigar....plus it helps more children get health care.

I haven't seen him hanging out with Ayers lately. I have seen him hanging out with..........one of the best artists of all-time.....God, what a song.........THE BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

We saw loser Bruce signing at the Lincoln Monument with Pete Seeger. Seeger was a stooge who wrote songs for Joe Stalin. The same Joe Stalin who starved to death 6 million Ukrainians.

The NY Times writer Walter Duranty received a Pulitzer Prize for convering up how Stalin starved 6 million people while Seeger wrote songs praising Stalin. This is Bruce's pal.

Seeger was such a stooge for the communists that he wrote a song praising Hitler when the USSR and Nazi Germany signed their nonagression pact. When Hitler broke it and invaded the USSR, Seeger changed the words.

Nice symbolism with the choir dressed in red behind Bruce and Seeger at the Lincoln Monument at the inauguration. :no:

stalin pete seeger starvation - Google Search=

Matthew Yglesias (July 23, 2007) - Pete Seeger, Stalinist (Culture)

pete seeger starvation walter duranty - Google Search

pete seeger springsteen - Google Search
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OK, fine. What should we do. You right-wing Bush-nuts got us here. So we should just do more of the same... the trickle down crap?

If YOU were president what would YOU do?

You ultra-conservatives who want to go back to Alabama of 1958 are the party of "No." You have no policies of your own. It's all zero-sum to you people. If the country or Obama wins and we get out of this... you lose.

You Limbaugh-losers are not real Americans. You should all move to Russia because you are more in agreement with Putin than anyone in this country.

Stand up for America. Support your new president and give him a chance to build a team and win some games, just as you would an NFL coach.

You Republicans are pathetic and the entire country would be well-rid of you if you would just move somewhere else. Everyone in the room gets along (whites, oriental, hispanic, African) until you people show up and preach the Limbaugh-brand of hate, discord and the fervent hope that American fails.

Face it "motoxx," you don't want Obama to fail, you want to see class warfare. You want to see the government taken down in a civil war where you and your right-wingers take over. It means nothing to you that we had a free and mostly fair election and you LOST. Indeed, the only way you can ever escape from being a permanent minority IS for this country to fail.

Move away. Please. You will be so much happier in a banana-republic or perhaps a Cheney-like African regime somewhere. :yes:

Go in peace... but go.

Hateful, Al3. You criticize the personal attacks and then you launch into your name-calling diatribe. You are a hypocrite without a logical argument, so you attack others, hearken back to the days of your youth, and leave no question in our minds as to why Obama won. He had no workable plan but he did have American Idol-esque celebrity status. You can continue to worship him, but I shall not.
I don't see the government doing the people's work. I see them as usual chasing an agenda and taking care of their own. Left or Right who freakin cares. If you are not in the top 2% elite, YOU are cannon fodder. You can label yourself whatever you want but you are either elite or fodder.

Just like an economic cycle, this administration will step way over the line and it will go back to the other bunch of monkeys humping the football. The way it looks now it will be less than four years before that happens.
Usually a new NFL coach had major success at some level, Obama has not, poor analogy.

Also, I would never want to be president, I don't know who would or why? You must have some major power/ego trip to want to be the head of a country.

Don't kid yourself, the country will not win, we will not get out of this, it's not possible, especially with what they're positioning themselves for.

If YOU were president what would YOU do?

You ultra-conservatives who want to go back to Alabama of 1958 are the party of "No." You have no policies of your own. It's all zero-sum to you people. If the country or Obama wins and we get out of this... you lose.

You Limbaugh-losers are not real Americans. You should all move to Russia because you are more in agreement with Putin than anyone in this country.

Stand up for America. Support your new president and give him a chance to build a team and win some games, just as you would an NFL coach.
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PS: I am not a republican
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You know, Al3 makes some very big assumptions about me. Let me see if I can straighten him out a bit here.

1. I am not a Republican - I am a conservative. Plain and simple

2. I can take losing a fair election. I really can. I didn't whine at all when Clinton won his first and second terms. I didn't agree with him on much, but he wasn't nearly as dangerous as Obama, and he had 12 years of experience being the Gov of Arkansas. Tell me again what Obama had done?

3. Trickle down economics actually does work, despite what the left wants to believe. Poor people don't get together and create jobs. Rich people do. When was the last time anyone was given a job by a poor person? So if we follow Obamas plan, we will take from the rich that have earned their money, give it to people that didn't earn it or weren't smart enough to earn it, and then depend on THOSE POOR people to create jobs? Show me one country where that has worked. Africa, Mexico, Canada, Argetntina? Nope.

4. I should support Obama in building a team? OK lets look at his team thus far:

Hillary Clinton who now is Secretary of state and whose foundation was given over $500 million in donations from foreign countries (no conflict of interest there!).

Bill Richardson New Mexico Gov. withdraws due to contributors getting state contracts.

Timothy Geithner: Nonpayemt of $43,000 in taxes AND STILL is Treasury Secretary? I guess the laws don't apply to him like they do to the rest of us.

Nancy Killefer Chief Perfromance Officer wthdaws due to Nanny Tax problems.

Tom Daschle: More than $100,000 in unpaid taxes. Guess the rules don't apply to him unless he gets caught.

Charles Rangel House Ways and Means Committee Chairman (D-N.Y.) acknowledged yesterday that he had not lived up to the "higher standard" expected of members of Congress, but he maintained that he should not be punished politically for failing to disclose and pay taxes on rental income from his Caribbean resort property. Only $10,000 but if you are the one incharge of the tax codes, I guess we can overlook this too.

There will be more of these to come out over time.

5. I am not a Bush nut, but he was WAAAAY better than the alternatives that he ran against!

6. I have been to Banana Republics and the poor people don't create jobs there. They do what others tell them or they work for the crime bosses. Plus the the plumbing and hygiene is so much better here.

7. You asked what would I do if I was President? Well, first off, I wouldn't run for president, I am not nearly that arrogant. But if I were in that position, here is a quick list based off of key issues at hand:

Cut Taxes: Cutting taxes gives EVERYONE more money in their pockets, rich,poor and middle class alike. I would cut the taxes for everyone,

CUT OFF ridiculous government programs like Obama said he would do but hasn't even addressed but he is ready to spend like a drunken sailor to pay back his political favors.

Foreign Aid: I would cut off foreign aid until we get our own house sorted out first.

The Economy: I would give government backed/guaranteed loans for new small businesses up to $500,000 (providing they meet strict criteria. NOTE: Currently the SBA backs loans done via a private lending institution and then gives the bank the guarantee. I would make this a federal thing and bypass the banks. This stimulates the economy by putting people to work and incentivises people to start new businesses to hire more people. Currently, new busineeses are not starting up because everyone is holding onto their money, thus no new jobs are being created.

Health Care: Stop the rediculous amount of money and resources that illegal immigrant take up in our health care system. Take care of our own people first, leave the rest to charities to deal with and give them great tax incentives to do so. Put a cap on how much lawyers can earn for them selves (not the plantiffs). Medical malpractice lawsuits are driven higher and higher all of the time for no reason. Capping the attorneys like John Edwards could save insurance companies unknown amounts of money. It would also keep the malpractice insurance costs down for the doctors.

I'll leave it at that for now as I have tons of work to do.

Al3, you never did answer my question. Name me one thing that the government runs efficiently and then tell me again why I should trust them to be in charge of my health care?