Obama Vent


100+ Post Club
Excuse me for venting-
1. Our country is broke. We have no money. This are getting close to crisis levels. What needs to be done? Significant Medicaid/Medicare Reform, entitlement reform, reduction in defense budget, raise tax on ultra rich. What does Obama do-NOTHING.
2. Energy Crisis. We have an energy crisis. What does Obama do? Worse than nothing. He proposes a dopey investment in trains, and still bans oil/natural gas drilling.
3. HealthCare- One of the industries that is actually working, Obama turns it upside and developes a cure that is worse than the disease. Sure, our health care system is convoluted and needed a major fixing. But the BS he put out?
4. Dismal foreign policy, failed stimulus, jobs, response to oil spill, etc.
Thanks for allowing me to vent.
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I guess its not just me starting to see our country's near future, any one watch precious metal prices hopefully they don't become our only way of means, paper is just paper
Did you see Haley Barbour accuse Obama of wanting higher gas prices to force Americans into his green vehicles. I thought electricity cost money too. One frying pan into another
True, be we generate electricity from domestic coal, not imported. This makes us energy independent.

How about natural gas? That is less polluting and apparently, if I remember correctly, the US has the most abundant supply of it.
The reason things do not make sense anymore:is because they don't.The goal may be to destroy everything.
Obama- "Hope and Change"
Hope- There is little hope in America. America's quick decline as the world number 1 is stunning. Unfortunately, when we fully realize what has happened, in 20-30 years, it will be way too late.
Change- Obama has changed nothing and ignored much.
Not pinning America's problems on Obama, just don't tell me that you are different from the rest of our corrupt and cowardly elected officials.