Obama Wants Another Turn at Bat


5000 Post Club
What a nutcase he has turned into. Totally tone deaf with no sense of timing. The public is fed up to their eyeballs with the health reform debate that has just gone on forever. Obama blew it by following the Rahm politics/no transparency route. Now he wants to have another shot at it by trying to do it over again but right this time. Totally stuck on stupid and wants to take his dems down with him. Basically he wants to just keep it churning rather than admit defeat and regroup. And he thinks that this will be a great opportunity to make republicans look like they are not participative even though they also have had to give a year of their focus to watching him flop around.

This is the guy who won the primary by convincing everyone that Hillary blew it on healthcare because she did not include others in the process and he would fix all that.

What is the alternative being proposed here? It is the dems, not the republicans, who complained the loudest that Obama was AWOL in the whole process. Now the alternative plan is for him to get involved? Also, he makes it sound as though it is the republicans that needed to be brought around when in fact he does not hae the dems votes. That is just a fact.

44 - Obama offers alternative path on health care
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I'm not used to this method. Typically the president has a very clear plan of action and puts Congress to the task of drafting specific legislation. He makes it crystal clear what's acceptable and what he'll veto so Congress doesn't waste their time.

Obama told Congress "Let's reform health care" and what you end up with is 8 different bills and hundreds of Congressmen bickering about what to include and omit.

If Bush ran the ship this way they'd have been debating the Patriot Act for 2 years after 9/11. Obama - I have new for you. You don't have to make everyone happy. You don't even have to make most people happy. Get a plan of action and get it done.
Perhaps if all the members of Congress had teleprompter's when they gave speeches, press conferences, town hall meetings we (the people) would understand that DC only has our best interests at heart. Apparently we (the people) are just too dumb to realize that we are incapable of handling our own money and making decisions on health care.

This process reminds me of a contractor we hired years ago. He had an all Mexican crew, mostly day laborers he would pick up in the AM and give them cash at the end of the day.

Supposedly only one of them spoke and understood English, so the "foreman" was to relay directions and commands to the workers.

I can still see Bob (contractor) standing there shouting at the workers. For some reason he thought if he talked LOUDER they might understand English. He also thought if most words ended in a vowel they would get it.

One day I was watching them lay sub-flooring and Bob was standing over them shouting (complete with body English) "Pusho, el pusho el boardo".

I feel like the O-man is doing the same to us. If he just shouts a bit louder we might understand.
I love it that Obama has no plan of action - then nothing gets done. Whats so bad about that? Its all big government solutions anyway. Its good nothing is getting done but SPENDING. They are getting away with that and thats ENOUGH ALREADY.
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Obama still hoping to go into overtime here and score a few points. The Republicans will toss him a couple points to be participative but not much more. Obama is thinking about getting involved now that the process sort of ended and he was AWOL. And he wants to televise it to compensate for not having done it as promised. Not sure how all that is going to work out. If he thinks he is going to use that time to shame the republicans in front of the public that is going to blow up in his face right off. He cant get his own party on board so now he is going to try to summit with the republicans to parade them out as the problem. He has bill before the house right now that has already been passed by the Senate and the dems have a majority in the house. Just pass it.

He sent his own democratic troops out to get slaughtered trying to implement his plans while he stayed back in the command post. I would be willing to attend that meeting if there was anything good to eat for lunch.

Obama to Hold Bipartisan Summit on Health Care - NYTimes.com
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