Obamacare Continues to Stumble

AgencyEquity, thanks for that write-up at your website. It was a nice summary of where things stand and the difficulties that HHS is facing with their uphill battle to the October 1st deadline.

Frankly, I hope HHS and the states meet the Exchange/Marketplace deadline so we can get to work helping to crash Obamacare, while getting paid to do it.
My best guess is, you won't need to crash it, it will to some degree crash itself. Some years ago in Hawaii they had universal healthcare for all of Hawaii's children, the program lasting 6 months before it went bankrupt. Politicians never consider actuaries or market forces, they legislation the most asinine way one can legislation and that is with their emotions rather than proceed in a professional manner. This is all political, economical and fiscal malpractice.
I agree that the states who have health insurance exchanges are going to fail on their own. California is so broke how can they afford to subside millions of poor people for health insurance.