
I'd bet you a beer they walked into a navigator office, sat down, and they just made it work (and probably got a bigger subsidy than they should have).

RIGHT. GOOD POINT! That and paper apps are sure-fire ways for illegal immigrants to enroll.


I doubt any of my enrollments are not legal in this country... why? I did 99% of mine online and had to trapes through the identify verify....I feel if they made it tru that then someone knows who they are. Next, the few I could not get tru I conferenced with the FFM and they ask NO identify verifyciation... none....

My advice to HHS....

Maybe HHS will be accepting feedback during their nationwide FFM Agent-Broker launch event on Monday.. Or maybe even the one at 3pm EDT today?
We did hundreds of cases and mostly deal with the immigrant community. The site asked for Naturalization id numbers, green card numbers and work permit ids and card numbers, as well as expiration dates. Initially the site had problems when this data was entered and applications were stuck, so after someone was approved, these documents had to be sent or uploaded. People have 90 days to send the documents, so if these were not sent, they were told that they will loose the subsidy. Besides this site had to check with Homeland Security, IRS, SSA, etc.
I am sure those glitches counted for most "inconsistencies" and there were also many other "inconsistencies" in general. No person here illegally could have benefited, at least on the Federal exchange. This just sounds as another horror story, but doesn't make sense in reality. There were US born people who couldn't get verified...
We did hundreds of cases and mostly deal with the immigrant community. The site asked for Naturalization id numbers, green card numbers and work permit ids and card numbers, as well as expiration dates. Initially the site had problems when this data was entered and applications were stuck, so after someone was approved, these documents had to be sent or uploaded. People have 90 days to send the documents, so if these were not sent, they were told that they will loose the subsidy. Besides this site had to check with Homeland Security, IRS, SSA, etc.
I am sure those glitches counted for most "inconsistencies" and there were also many other "inconsistencies" in general. No person here illegally could have benefited, at least on the Federal exchange. This just sounds as another horror story, but doesn't make sense in reality. There were US born people who couldn't get verified...

Spot on!
A good agent friend of mine has his niece working for him for the last 17 years or so, she has never been arrested, never had a passport, stable address history, excellent credit, registered voter, born here, her parents born here and their parents born here and she couldn't get verified!

So I don't know what my cohorts have been smoking :swoon: when they say "Pepe Lupe" can swim across the border and waltz right through the process with no documentation or credentials.:no:
People have 90 days to send the documents, so if these were not sent, they were told that they will loose the subsidy.

Problem is, we're now 7 months out (more than double the 90 days they cite) and these people have neither been verified nor lost their subsidies- that's the point.

Yea, sure, they've been asked to verify. They've been told to send in proof. They were also told they would lose their subsidy if they didn't. Subsidy is still there, so why put in the effort?

Good luck getting a clawback from a non-tax filing illegal.
Problem is, we're now 7 months out (more than double the 90 days they cite) and these people have neither been verified nor lost their subsidies- that's the point.

Yea, sure, they've been asked to verify. They've been told to send in proof. They were also told they would lose their subsidy if they didn't. Subsidy is still there, so why put in the effort?

Good luck getting a clawback from a non-tax filing illegal.

the question though is this people who never submitted info or is it people who have submitted info and the government never actually tried to verify it?
This 1.3M figure includes those who it was requested from and never sent it, and those who sent it but either never had it processed, had it lost, or sent the wrong proof. I'm willing to bet the majority are not waiting to be processed...

The specifics are pretty irrelevant. Just like you're a murderer regardless of the weapon you use, the gov't is giving out subsidies to those who don't qualify, regardless of the reason. The issue isn't the verification, or the proof, it's the fact that they continue to pay subsidies to those they not only know don't qualify, but they continue to pay them for months after the stated deadline even after required proof was not processed.

It's setting a precedent that this system is not only easy to game, and there is no penalty for doing so, but that even if they catch you they don't do anything.
the gov't is giving out subsidies to those who don't qualify, regardless of the reason.

The premise of Obamacare was to get as many people as possible dependent on govt cheese. If the law isn't working the way you want, change the rules by edict.