
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Health and Human Services is giving 310,000 people with questionable citizenship status until September 5, 2014 to prove they are legal residents of the USA, or their coverage will be terminated on September 30, 2014.

Story: 300K warned: Send in documents or forfeit ObamaCare coverage | TheHill

Next target campaign will be subsidy recipients who have income disparities. That will be more time consuming, because it involves adjusting subsidy amounts, which is more headaches/paperwork for insurers.

Taking into account those who never paid, added to those who have stopped paying, added to those being cancelled as non-legal residents, with more pruning in the works...what will Obama's "We now got 8 Million Enrolled!" April declaration shrink to by the end of this year?
8 million less 2.5 million non-payment minus 300k illegals = about 5 million net.

But I still want to know how many of those did not have coverage before. It is my belief we simply rearranged the deck chairs on about 6 million before "deductions".