Obamacare: Preview of Coming Events

Oh, they could leave the tax increases in place, stating they don't have the ability to rule on those yet.

They can leave things like the 26 year old kids on policies in place, I don't think any side argued against this.

There are lots of things they can leave alone. Doesn't mean they will, but I have to believe there will be some face saving moves done on this.

I agree with Winter, there will probably be more questions than answers 24 hours from now. Obama will claim victory. So will Romney. Yes, both sides will win and lose.

There is very little difference between much of what's in the bill and the insurance provisions already in place in NJ, and it stinks. Once premiums are no longer based upon risk, it's no longer insurance as we know it. If we are going to have socialized medicine, let's have it and be done with it. If not, let's get back into the insurance business, and make it profitable for all concerned.
I'm shocked this thing was upheld.
Outside of a Romney victory and subsequent GOP majority in 2013, we are stuck with the structure of PPACA.
We have to chip away at it, and make the best of it. The main thing it's missing is cost controls. It does NOTHING to stop the runaway health costs, it just shifts the payments around.
Yesterday was a huge disappointment. Ultimately Obama's legacy will not be the "victory" of launching PPACA - it will be the disaster we will all realize over time that it truly is.