Obamacare Subsidies in Jeopardy

If you're legitimately poor, don't you qualify for an Obamaphone?

I didn't know we are paying for one with a camera too. Does it come with data plan also? It's discriminatory to not give them the capability to visit HC.gov on their O'phone.
I didn't know we are paying for one with a camera too. Does it come with data plan also? It's discriminatory to not give them the capability to visit HC.gov on their O'phone.

They don't have cellphones without cameras anymore (not even kidding).

My old roommate worked for a company that goes to places that take food stamps, sets up a table, and gets paid a few bucks for every phone he gives away.

They were those $20 go-phone/tracphone burners you see at convenience stores. Texting, calling, color screen, camera. Some even had full keyboards. All had internet ability, but it wasn't included in the free package.