Omaha and Liberty Bankers LIfe


Do both of these carriers allow you to do a phone interview and or take an E App without physically being together ? Say a guy in FL see my ad on TV calls in and I get the call here in PA , can I sell him the policy without ever seeing him ? Pretty much how foresters , Royal and UHL do it ......thx
Do both of these carriers allow you to do a phone interview and or take an E App without physically being together ? Say a guy in FL see my ad on TV calls in and I get the call here in PA , can I sell him the policy without ever seeing him ? Pretty much how foresters , Royal and UHL do it ......thx

Yes, Liberty Bankers will allow you to do it 100% over the phone
Do both of these carriers allow you to do a phone interview and or take an E App without physically being together ? Say a guy in FL see my ad on TV calls in and I get the call here in PA , can I sell him the policy without ever seeing him ? Pretty much how foresters , Royal and UHL do it ......thx

They both will allow this. However, the process is very different. MoO you will have to send an email through igo to get a signature. LBL is a total phone app.

You are running your own TV commercial? I would love to talk about this. Pm me your contact ingo
Liberty would be the easiest way to do this. They will ask what state the applicant is currently in; and if your not licenced in that state it won't be issued.
Do both of these carriers allow you to do a phone interview and or take an E App without physically being together ? Say a guy in FL see my ad on TV calls in and I get the call here in PA , can I sell him the policy without ever seeing him ? Pretty much how foresters , Royal and UHL do it ......thx
Sentinel Security Life has telesales. Everything done on phone with approval and policy # given at the end of the POS PHI. Very competitively priced and has some good niches and has a true Graded plan(30%/70%/100%).