One Page Term Permanent Application

This is the only way I write health insurance anymore. I take the initial app and have the client call the 800 number for medical questions. Because inevitably if I do it they are going to have to call the 800 number anyway.
while it's fast and nice for the person that is begging for insurance, I've had many with genworth that have stopped short in mailing in their full application that the company requires, not done phone interviews, etc... good when dealing with someone for an app over the phone at least if they are too far to see
good when dealing with someone for an app over the phone at least if they are too far to see

Exactly, in this case the guy was 2 hours away from me. It was much easier to get it done this way. Outside of that I'd fill out paperwork.
On the cases I do by phone it really depends on the client and if there is anything that might become an issue. I prefer to do a full app. Getting a case in the underwriters hand is quicker with a full app. Some companies have rules on minimums or maximums that dictate what you can use.
Yes, Hartford app is very simple.

However, I prefer ING, because they offer e-app, e-signature. . PLUS in my contract ING offers 10% more commission than Hartford.

Hartford is making placing life insurance easy. The Term/Permanent SNAP application is 1 page long (we ask the questions on your behalf). Furthermore Hartford schedules the paramed exam and the average turn around time is six weeks.

This makes the entire process of applying for life insurance transactional with no medical questions, and be done in 10 minutes or less.
Exactly, in this case the guy was 2 hours away from me. It was much easier to get it done this way. Outside of that I'd fill out paperwork.

Even that use is going away as so many carriers are allowing e-signatures and I've got an IMO that has its own e-signature program so I can do the full app over the phone and get it e-signed and I avoid the issues of these 1 page apps that sound great but put delays in the process...

And by delays I mean a delay between when I get the commitment to purchase and when they need to do a phone interview...It just seems like PHIs are worse than me just asking the questions on the app when I'm talking to them.
PHIs should be reserved for the larger cases or seniors. A 30 year old buying a 250,000 term policy does not need to be anywhere near a PHI.