Opting Out of Employee Coverage

I would rather not find out how the IRS is going to pin you down. I can tell you they will outlast your client and they have more time than anyone to wait your client out. I have a brother in law that fought and fought the IRS on taxes owed (his bookkeeper did not pay them for years with his business). IRS slowly keep adding fees and penalties until his business went bankrupt.

The IRS is not something I would "poke" to see what happens. I would tell the client to break the law under someone else's producer number.
Even as the original poster, I have to agree on every word you say!
Tater - I have done this a couple of times and there wasn't any separate box that popped up asking any kind of question....ARGGG!!

I have had the same experience, of course, Tater did 128 enrollments on Oct 1st, so he is using a different internet browser than the rest of us.
Just got a prospect reporting unaffordable employer coverage (not enrolled in the plan)--defiinitely more than 9.5% of her income. Will need to find out if she's eligible to enroll in that coverage in the next 90 days. That would stop the process of affordability determination right there.

I hope she is not eligible now. Not sure what questions in the online app will be triggered if we say she is eligible. I looked at the paper Marketplace application. It has Appendix A, to use for the determination of employer coverage affordability. Form says, mail in with app, Marketplace will use to determine eligibility, etc. The rep reminded me that paper apps are no good right now with the deadline. (thanks for sharing...)

I asked HC.gov rep if Appendix A would be a form required to send in after the app was completed online or by phone, similar to income or citizenship verification requirements.

No good answer given, other than the rep thinks he has had apps go through with a subsidy in this situation.

I trust the experience of those on the forum who have had similar apps go through. Seems best to wait to complete the app until the prospect can verify whether or not she can enroll soon at employer. Also, get the information for Appendix A questions.
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