Options for 43/f/NT Cancer Amputee


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Healthy lady, normal height/weight. Takes a high blood pressure pill, no others. The story is, she was shot in the leg in a hunting accident 10 years ago, in April of 2013 had leg pain, went to Dr. He said it was a carcinoma due to the gunshot. Amputated just above the knee. The family asked if it was hereditary or ?? Dr. said it was very rare and not hereditary, probably a fluke deal from the gunshot.
Dang! gunshot cancer..??
I don't know if the story makes any difference and/or sense, but that's what I got.
No chemo, no radiation, no pills, no other treatment.

Any chance better than GI for her?

Since the amputation was for cancer and it was just done a few months ago, I'm thinking you'll have a problem getting anything more than a GI. We'll see what some of the other agents come up with.
Healthy lady, normal height/weight. Takes a high blood pressure pill, no others. The story is, she was shot in the leg in a hunting accident 10 years ago, in April of 2013 had leg pain, went to Dr. He said it was a carcinoma due to the gunshot. Amputated just above the knee. The family asked if it was hereditary or ?? Dr. said it was very rare and not hereditary, probably a fluke deal from the gunshot.
Dang! gunshot cancer..??
I don't know if the story makes any difference and/or sense, but that's what I got.
No chemo, no radiation, no pills, no other treatment.

Any chance better than GI for her?


I think GI's your only option.

American Continental – within 12 months, mod (110% of prem), within 24 months –graded 40-75-100. After 2 years- level
5 Star – after 2 years, level
Oxford – after 2 years, level
Baltimore Life- after 2 years, level
Americo – after 3 years, level
Foresters- after 3 years, level unless recurrence
Mutual of Omaha- after 2 years, level unless recurrence
Monumental –within 4 years, graded 110% of premiums 2 years
Liberty Bankers Life- after 2 years level, unless recurrence
Royal Neighbors- after 2 years, level
Call underwriting/risk assesment to several different companies and ask them. Sometimes they think outside the box
Thanks for the answers, I'll check with GPM and see what else I can scare up. I don't think GPM offers graded in AR, but I'll def check it out.

Thanks again,