Oregon Health Insurance Rates Slashed!

This move by Oregon sets a bad precedent. It doesn't sound like there was any negotiation at all. Just the state unilaterally putting a cap on the premiums that can be charged.

If the insurers don't remove themselves from the Oregon exchange and prove that they're "dictator proof", they're fools, and will get what they deserve in 2014.

But more importantly, you'll see other states, and even HHS doing this in states with Federally-Run/Owned exchanges. I hope the Oregon Insurance Dept is slapped down hard by the insurers!
Thanks for the link. I'm anxiously awaiting what they will do here in WA. I have a small number of Oregon clients, but most are in WA. I hope they either lower the premiums of improve the plans to offer more than 2-3 office visits not subject to the deductible.
By as much as 35% by the state regulators. And don't make any errors in filing or you'll get a 27.5% slap!

Details Here...And More!

And the final, approved rates were published today on a chart showing what each company requested, and what they negotiated down to, for approval.

Link: Oregon Health Insurance Rate Review

I imagine this negotiation process is taking place between insurers and govt officials across America, with some reaching success and publishing early (like Oregon).