Interesting though, some of our clinics are begining to elimiate medicare altogether, and only accept a handful of MA PPO & HMO plans. I see this developing more as the year unfolds. BTW, I live in a major metro market, so this is not just small town clinics or stuff like that. I see a major trend begining to take hold. I wonder if it has anything to do with the recent threat by the fed's to cut medicare pyments by another 15%?
It's a real "rock & a hard place" situation. I don't expect Congress to cut Medicare payments to docs, but still many docs are leaving the system. At best, most of the rest are having to budget a portion of their practice for Medicare because payments are lower than they get elsewhere. Understandable.
This, at a time when the Baby Boomers are entering the system with so many more to come.
Who's to blame? Beats me. Don't care. But some serious changes have to be made, and soon. We could start by maximizing efficiencies and lowering the cost of care across the board...