Oscar terminates relationship with Health Sherpa

Got an OSCAR email today...basically said "have fun enrolling your clients next year if you use Health Sherpa....we won't pay their fees." They suggested trying a different web broker or use Oscars web site or HC.gov.

100% of my clients were enrolled thru HS...many Oscar clients of course

Got an OSCAR email today...basically said "have fun enrolling your clients next year if you use Health Sherpa....we won't pay their fees." They suggested trying a different web broker or use Oscars web site or HC.gov.

100% of my clients were enrolled thru HS...many Oscar clients of course

The business prevention department called....

Classic problem of people who don't know what they're doing getting in the way of things - they'll lose a lot more than they'll "save."
Very vague email.
What is the start date?
They had this problem a couple years ago and worked it out.
They both need each other.
use healthcare.gov directly. I've never used anything but that. I find it easier by far. Most of the time, I have no idea what company they might go with, so using the website directly works well.
Ummm...it's illegal to log into clients hc.gov account directly. Unless you are talking about double redirect which won't be an option with Oscar either
Who knew Venture Capital Funded Startups were a bad idea for Government Funded Healthcare?


They’re trying to charge ALL carriers PER MEMBER PER MONTH….

By George, that’s egregious. Don’t think other carriers aren’t going to follow suit. They all got the same deal, Oscar is just smart enough to back out now and find another partner.

I do feel bad for the employees, but, if they didn’t see this coming, they weren’t paying attention. Might be time to freshen up those resumes!

For those asking Inshura.com works like a charm.
Got an OSCAR email today...basically said "have fun enrolling your clients next year if you use Health Sherpa....we won't pay their fees." They suggested trying a different web broker or use Oscars web site or HC.gov.

100% of my clients were enrolled thru HS...many Oscar clients of course

You can enroll your Oscar members on Oscar’s portal (your back office). I suggest making a spreadsheet with those members so you can keep track.
At this time, you can enroll people on Oscar portal, but you can not manage your Oscar clients other than making payments....so I was told, and I have seen nothing on hioscar.com that conflicts with the story

Prior to open enrollment, the Oscar site is supposed to be revised to allow management of clients including enrolling...which will be important in Georgia

I notice that INSHURA offers an "import from HealthSherpa" option. Anyone know how well that all works.