Don't know if we can only blame doctor's but..... We absolutely had to go to the emergency room the other night at 2:00 am. Doc came in and took less than 5 minutes, said you need to have so and so done, nurse came in and took 10 minutes doing it, Doc came in and said looks good, you can go home. I just looked up what they charged the insurance company for that 5 minutes and it was $685 just for the doctor's charge and $270 for the emergency room. And I'm not sure if that's even all of the bills yet. I'm waiting to see what they allow. Wonder what it would be if we were cash patient? Or do they charge cash patient's more to make up for all the other cash patients that can't pay?
Why do you think ER docs make $300k+/year working less than 40 hours/week? Now think about how many people never pay their bill. Granted, they have a tough job I'd never want to do. If everyone paid their ER bill maybe they would have charged you $300 instead of $685.
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Gosh, if only we had access to a teledoc product . . .
I know just where to find such a product!
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