Out of Touch


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Apparently Nancy Pelosi has it in for those greedy, profit driven health insurance companies.

Interesting that in her home state of California, there are only 3 truly domestic "evil" operating health insurance companies (Kaiser, Health Net, Blue Shield CA). The few remainders (Anthem BC, PCare, Assurant, Aetna) are owned by out of state interests and not or no longer domestic CA carriers.

Now, it seems to me that both KP and BS CA are NOT FOR PROFIT CARRIERS. That means in her own home state, 2/3 of the "evil" domestic carriers are operating as NFP which means they are not set up with an intention to make "exorbitant profits".

In the Boston Globe (8/4), columnist Derrick Z. Jackson notes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) comments on the insurance industry last week, during which she called them "the villains in" the healthcare reform debate "with their 'exorbitant profits.' She charged, 'they have been immoral all along how they have treated the people that they insure.'"

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You have to realize that what is important to a politician is perception as opposed to reality...Nancy and the rest of the congress realize that there are many more people that don't understand what they say is incorrect or skewed than there are people that research what they say.
Yes, there is very little truth to what the dems are saying these days and people are hopefully starring to realize it. At least citizens will have the chance to talk with their reps during recess. Perhaps insurance costs are a reflection of the high cost of health care not the cause.
Pretty sure the polls are showing the majority of people do understand what a joke this bill is. I'd let them vote for it if they were required to put themselves and their families under the government "option"..... yeah that's going to happen, what a joke nancy pelosi is... She's trying to bk the nation like they've done in CA
Dave - you have a misconception. There is nothing that requires a non-profit not to overcharge by an exhorbant amount. In fact, have you never been to a charity auction where you can buy a $50 item for $300?

Only the government can do this in a fair way.

I just wish I knew what the 'public option' was. What is the cost of the plan? What is the plan? Why not have details before the vote?

"Not-for-profit" is used in preference to "non-profit" in order to emphasize that a defining criterion is the intention of the organization not to make profits for private gain. It is possible that such an organization will in fact make a profit from time to time, but that is not the principal purpose for which it is organized and operated. Nor is its purpose to distribute any portion of any profit for private gain. The major distinguishing characteristic between not-for-profit and for-profit organizations is that the former are governed by the principle of non-distribution.

ICNL: Frequently Asked Questions

The NFPOs are running much leaner than the for-profits in California. And, they are not always as expensive (run a quote Lumenos 5000 non-mat versus Shield's 5200 HSA plans). Shield prices 30%+ lower with a richer benefit plan.

Kaiser and Shield run a ratio between 84-85% on average.

For-profits are running on avg ratio below 80% with one I won't mention running a scant 76%. That is a huge difference.

My point is that the NFPOs in CA are doing their best to run the highest ratios while incurring the same admin costs (certainly agent commissions are not less with Blue Shield).

I could understand the criticism if they carriers on either side were running 50-55% something like that. But the CA NFPO carriers are the leanest in operating ratio. 76% would indicate some profit-taking, but that is on the for-profit side.
Ed, I think he is Hispanic so the "J" is silent as in Jose Thus, it is prounced as if it were Hughes.:cool:

Of course, there is that Hollywood producer, Norman Jewison. I believe he is Catholic.:)

Wait a minute, wasn't Jesus Jewish? That staement should start a rant.:skeptical:
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"Veronica and I are trying something called 'jogging'. Or it might by pronounced 'yogging' with a silent J..."

--Ron Burgundy