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I work with a company called quicklife to sell term to my clients. I am a younger agent so most of my natural market is in that stage of getting married, buying homes and having babies. They are good term prospects and quicklife does a good job of handholding the client and getting the policy issued. I give up 25% for them to do the work but that is a very fair deal in my opinion, I don't know of any life agents that would be willing to give me 75% and work on any little term deal I send their way. When I run into a more complex life case I bring in a real pro and split the case.
when you say you give up 25% and they do the work? at what stage in the process do they do the work? Is it after you've presented the quote and filled the app? do you quote? do you just present them the lead card? I know you said a while back you quote a life policy with every homeowner quote you give, and I think that is a great idea just curious at what point in the overall life process do they take over?