Paramedical Examiner

Regarding: Getting a client to complete their paramed exam

I'd like to ask DJS for more about the experience/process in getting the client to schedule and take the paramed exam. Sometimes the process works very well-the national company calls the prospect, coordinates a date/time/place, and then posts the barcode on the website after everything is accomplished.

Other times, the client will literally pick up the phone, and hang it up again. I've tried at the kitchen table leaving a message for the examining company along the lines of "Mr Johnson/Ms Jones would like to get their exam done either Tuesday morning before 10AM, or Wednesday evening after 6:30PM, please call back to set the exact details." Out of the presence of the client I go into the website and order the actual exam, supplying the name, address, age, etc. etc. Unfortuantely, sometimes there is not an examiner available for either of these slots.

Any other ideas to "anchor" the sale, so it doesn't grind to a halt because the exam never gets done?

I've used the 'search' button, and scanned through a few of the separate forums-I'm sorry if this question has already been addressed there.

Thank you,

Wow - a thread resurrected from the past.

My most successful use of paramed exams is when I can log into the paramed's website, look at their calendar, and directly schedule the exam for next Tuesday at 3:00. I do this with the client, when I write the app. It's simple, though takes a few moments, longer when I can't figure out my password.

If I don't schedule it, if a few days go by and it hasn't been scheduled, I call the client and try to do it online again with them.

My current problem is more getting the client to cough up a copy of the tax return for last year. Underwriting is really pushing this on higher value policies, and everyone is late filing their returns.
