Part A and B Deductibles for 2010

Frank Stastny

5000 Post Club
Just a reminder that the Part A deductibles and Medicare Part B deductible for 2010 are increasing.

For the sake of credibility agents may want to share this with the prospects they are are currently talking to and use it as a good reason to contact and inform existing clients of the 2010 changes, especially in the Part B Deductible.

Part A Deductibles:
Hospital, from $1068 to $1100.
61-90 days from $267 to $275
91-150 days (lifetime reserve) from $534-550
Skilled Nursing from #133.50 to $137.50

Part B Deductible:
Part B from $135 to $155. (This could cause some pretty healthy increases for those plans that pay this.)
If I'm not mistaken the only saving grace to that is that the cost of Medicare Part B did not increase this year. Not that that is any consolation.

The Part B premium did increase to $110/mo. That increase is not passed on to the current medicare enrollees, {unless they are the high income group}, because they didn't a raise. People that get on Medicare in 2010 will pay the increased premium.
The Part B premium did increase to $110/mo. That increase is not passed on to the current medicare enrollees, {unless they are the high income group}, because they didn't a raise. People that get on Medicare in 2010 will pay the increased premium.

Absolutely correct! There is a protect from harm clause in the Medicare law that unequivocally states that if there is no COL increase there can be no Medicare Part B increase for current Medicare recipients.
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That basically gaurantees that those that didn't get the increase this year will get a double wammy next year when they get a paltry 2-4% COLA.