Pass-Through Commissions (NAHU) & MLR

You may be right Bill, but who knows at this point?

Based on the hassle factor for MA/D plans, the commission audits, marketing rules and not knowing what, or if, the plans you are studying will be available the following year it doesn't look like a lot of fun to me.

And starting next month some lucky agents that want to expose their life to govt scrutiny can collect $100 one time fee for PCIP referrals.

I decided to pass on that one as well.

But as I said, you may be right. Life might be better than it is now.

Anything may be better than not knowing. In NC, we have the Fed and State plans which pay $200 whether they keep the plan one month or 10. I actually look forward to doing these plans, it's a lot better than $15 monthly comission on a 22 year old that drops it 3 months later.

The MA and PDP is not as bad as you think. If you've noticed, the agents that trash them on this board aren't even writing them.

Once we get the particulars on the new fee structure for health, if I'm still living, we'll get together on this and make some $$.