PCIP Enrollment is Low Critics Say


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Growing pains for a centerpiece of health overhaul - Yahoo! News

"the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan started this summer isn't living up to expectations. Enrollment lags in many parts of the country. People who could benefit may not be able to afford the premiums. Some state officials who run their own "high-risk pools" have pointed out potential problems. That said, enrollment so far is lower than we would have expected."

Well jiminy cricket, we agents saw the downfalls all along and they're just now seeing the effects? Again, can anyone name a government agency that is operated efficiently? What a mess and we're only at the six month stage.
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Growing pains for a centerpiece of health overhaul - Yahoo! News

"the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan started this summer isn't living up to expectations. Enrollment lags in many parts of the country. People who could benefit may not be able to afford the premiums. Some state officials who run their own "high-risk pools" have pointed out potential problems. That said, enrollment so far is lower than we would have expected."

Well jiminy cricket, we agents saw the downfalls all along and they're just now seeing the effects? Again, can anyone name a government agency that is operated efficiently? What a mess and we're only at the six month stage.

The article is only hitting part of the reason...Of the 30 Million people that don't have coverage now and are supposed to be taken care of Obammycare will be going on Medicaid....Something many of them are ALREADY qualified for yet they either don't know how to go about getting it, or don't want it....For those that don't know what to do the PCIP is the same deal...They have to find out about it on their own and figure out the hoops to jump through. It might seem simple to an agent but then again I find many people have trouble understanding term life insurance :)
NorwayGuy: So true, just wait till agents are out of the mix...I'm sure the enrollment rate will be excellent once all of those folks who don't even understand simple term are forced to enroll in the Obamaination health plan. Maybe one of those new 16,000 IRS agents can just enroll them. I heard IRS agents are health insurance experts now too. F'em!
I still refer folks to PCIP, but not as many as when it first came out. Most of the ones who got back to me said it was too expensive.

Anything over $50 per month is expensive to most of them and many thought it would be free.
Somarco: So hilarious and TRUE! What my health insurance is $150 per month for a 3500 or 5K deductible? Many won't pull the trigger and do the application but rather sit on a 50K bill when their appendix bursts.
PCIP encourages and rewards those to
NOT carry health insurance. PCIP is a government backstop with no pre existing waiting periods.

Buying or maintaing health insurance disqualifies you.

Sends a great message to our children.
Somarco: So hilarious and TRUE! What my health insurance is $150 per month for a 3500 or 5K deductible? Many won't pull the trigger and do the application but rather sit on a 50K bill when their appendix bursts.

The problem is that if they are low enough in income the Government protect them...They apply for Mainecare and Mainecare will back date medical bills by 90 days...its even better than no pre-x.
TX(Joe): So true, such a crock...If you are uninsurable and carry health insurance the fact is in my state you have to pay more to be in my the state high risk pool, and have a wait on pre ex for 6 months after you enroll. By comparison: be an idoit, go without health insurance for 6 months, and you then qualify to enroll in the federal plan. No 6 month pre ex clause, immediate coverage, and the federal plans are cheaper. Another *** fact of the Obamaination health plan. Total F'ing idiots who passed this health bill.
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TX(Joe): So true, such a crock...If you are uninsurable and carry health insurance the fact is in my state you have to pay more to be in my the state high risk pool, and have a wait on pre ex for 6 months after you enroll. By comparison: be an idoit, go without health insurance for 6 months, and you then qualify to enroll in the federal plan. No 6 month pre ex clause, immediate coverage, and the federal plans are cheaper. Another *** fact of the Obamaination health plan. Total F'ing idiots who passed this health bill.

What I've been talking about since this came out...You are punishing responsible people and rewarding those how take the risk...
I will repeat and add to my statement: Total F'ing idiots who passed this bill and total F'ing idiots who voted for the current administration. ClusterF@#$K in the first degree...and total chaos and unintended consequences of such a bad bill. Its so entertaining. I love it when an arrogant, elitist community organizer runs a nation. Smells like chaos everywhere. Dumbass nation. I love it when I talk to people and they think the verdict is still out on this president and this F'ed up health bill. I don't say a word and move on. Why argue with a dumbass?
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