PCIP Enrollment is Low Critics Say

So basically HealthGuy you don't like the bill? Lol.

The only risk of not carrying health insurance is any potential delays in PCIP enrollment. If I could go online and print my card instantly I would cancel my health insurance.
I will repeat and add to my statement: Total F'ing idiots who passed this bill and total F'ing idiots who voted for the current administration. ClusterF@# in the first degree...and total chaos and unintended consequences of such a bad bill. Its so entertaining. I love it when an arrogant, elitist community organizer runs a nation. Smells like chaos everywhere. Dumbass nation. I love it when I talk to people and they think the verdict is still out on this president and this F'ed up health bill. I don't say a word and move on. Why argue with a dumbass?

Survival of the Unfittest my friend.

Proof evolution is a crock, and that Darwin was nuttier than squirrel poo.
Joe: And even then, there isn't much of a delay in PCIP enrollment...It only takes about one week for them here to process an applicatoin, so I personally dont know why more people don't decide to run around without insurnace? I mean, why not?
This is what happens when you let "total f&$king idiots" rule over you. Who is sticking up for the agent? Answer: no one! NAHU has no power and we, the agent, have been too busy working our businesses to organize and gain some power. So now we get what we get...other people making business decisions for us.
As someone that applied for the PCIP, and even appealed the rejection, my conclusion is that it wasn't written by idiots, but rather the Insurance lobby and government bureaucrats fearful of going over budget.

The key gotcha to the program is that if you currently have ANY sort of partial insurance (obviously excluding your pre-existing condition), the government requires you to drop that insurance for six months and apply again.

Strikes me as a deal between government and "big-health". If a health insurer is already raping you with expensive partial insurance, they don't want you to easily switch over to the PCIP. "Big-health" is willing to bet people like me won't play "medical roulette" with our partial insurance.

If the underwriters will have nothing to do with you at any price or restriction, they couldn't care less if the government offers you a plan.

I think most of us expected missteps in Healthcare reform, but this is such an extreme form of discrimination.

Let's see if the system works and the PCIP gets modified to allow anyone with a documented pre-exisiting condition, rather than taunt us into dropping insurance for six months, and hoping we can then get full insurance.

I summarize the PCIP as " "if you can afford it, value it, you will probably be rejected".
The key gotcha to the program is that if you currently have ANY sort of partial insurance (obviously excluding your pre-existing condition), the government requires you to drop that insurance for six months and apply again.

The PCIP was designed for people WITHOUT current health insurance. It wasn't designed for someone life yourself to better their current situation.
The PCIP was designed for people WITHOUT current health insurance. It wasn't designed for someone life yourself to better their current situation.

OH, so help me understand?

1) Was the PCIP designed to favor people that rejected partial insurance, and discriminate against people that took insurance no matter how overpriced and limited?

2) Was the PCIP designed to motivate people to drop their overpriced partial insurance in the hopes of getting full insurance 6 months later?

I really don't care was it was designed for - the effect is to discriminate against people that put a high value on full insurance. Trust me, it's very expensive so if you don't value insurance you aren't going to go for the PCIP.

And I really think it was designed to give the government a quick "low cost win". To do that government had to make their insurance cronies as happy as possible by making it real scary for us "underwriter pawns" to try and get real insurance.

You must be an insurance agent to consider an American's ability to get full, non-restricted insurance (at any price) a trivial step to "better my current situation".

I hope life puts you in a position where you have a health history that leaves you somewhat uninsured.
The PCIP is offered to people who haven't had insurance for 6 months prior to applying.

I know you can't comprehend how wrong it is to offer full insurance to people that previously rejected partial insurance, vs. people that accepted that same insurance.

But all you care about is commissions - right? Wouldn't it be horrible if one of your "customers" dropped a policy with you in the hopes of waiting out that six month roulette period in the hopes of getting real insurance?

The PCIP was designed for people with pre-existing conditions, currently without health insurance.
Does this clear it up?