PDP appointment rules

I would have agreed with you until I got an email from Universal American on Monday with an updated appointment form and CMS regulation which stated:

"Scope of Sales Appointment Confirmation Form. This form must be signed by the beneficiary and mailed back to the agent before the agent enters a home. This form may not be picked up by agent upon entering the Medicare beneficiary's home for appointment, nor dropped off at a home for them to sign."

I find these regulations absolutely incredulous. There is no question the goal is to get the agents out of the way so all this business can be written directly by the carriers.

Yes, that is Pyramid's stricter interpretation of the rules. Other companies are not saying that. Just one more reason for me to not write Today's Options anymore. As though I needed another reason.:biggrin:

Of course, the captive Pyramid agents are not following these rules. One of them called one of my clients yesterday. The lady didn't get a name so that I could report them, but, it's happening. Seems Pyramid's compliance is just as bad as their customer service.
First of all, make sure when you look at the rules about SOA that you note the date. The rules have relaxed a bit since last month. MOST carriers are now saying "just get the SOA signed before you start your presentation." Also, the SOA form has changed.... the new ones are much more simplified. Destroy the old ones.

Secondly, if you are discussing Med Sups and the client needs a PDP, they only need to initial the box for PDPs. Regardless, make a copy after they sign, and include it along with your application submission for the PDP. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP EITHER THE ORIGINAL OR A COPY OF THE SOA FOR YOUR FILES.
First of all, make sure when you look at the rules about SOA that you note the date. The rules have relaxed a bit since last month. MOST carriers are now saying "just get the SOA signed before you start your presentation." Also, the SOA form has changed.... the new ones are much more simplified. Destroy the old ones.

United Health is not saying that. What is the CMS rule? The carriers and the clerks that work on their support lines are mostly dumbos. Their interpretation of the rule will not buy you any protection with CMS if is not the right interpretation.
CMS really putting the screws on the PDP plans. AARP has gone from $85 per policy down to $20...it's not worth pursuing anymore....the Scope of Sales Appointment Confirmation Form is a joke........
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It's hard to believe how serious everyone is taking CMS. It's the Federal government. You remember them, the ones who can't do anything right, least of all be accountable.

We are expected to keep the appt form in case they ever need it to prove we did something. Do you really think that CMS is going to spot check with the seniors about the form? LOL. CMS has to be as badly run as FEMA and all the rest.

I don't know what they are trying to do to us, but I'm not just going to sit back and do nothing. There are other ways to make money without dealing with CMS and still help seniors.
It's hard to believe how serious everyone is taking CMS. It's the Federal government. You remember them, the ones who can't do anything right, least of all be accountable.

We are expected to keep the appt form in case they ever need it to prove we did something. Do you really think that CMS is going to spot check with the seniors about the form? LOL. CMS has to be as badly run as FEMA and all the rest.

I don't know what they are trying to do to us, but I'm not just going to sit back and do nothing. There are other ways to make money without dealing with CMS and still help seniors.

No...I doubt very seriously CMS will spot check with the seniors.

I'm ticked off because I've done well since November 15th writing PDP plans and my commission has gone from about $800 bucks on the sales I've made down to about $350.

My market is mainly med-supps...life....don't care for MA's...have never written one. I enjoy selling PDP's...their easy to sell. Don't like what the government has done. Maybe they'll bail me out w/a few billion.:arghh:
I would have agreed with you until I got an email from Universal American on Monday with an updated appointment form and CMS regulation which stated:

"Scope of Sales Appointment Confirmation Form. This form must be signed by the beneficiary and mailed back to the agent before the agent enters a home. This form may not be picked up by agent upon entering the Medicare beneficiary's home for appointment, nor dropped off at a home for them to sign."

I find these regulations absolutely incredulous. There is no question the goal is to get the agents out of the way so all this business can be written directly by the carriers.

I just got in and I have an email from UHC saying that I can get the SOA signed at the beginning of an at home appointment.
I just got in and I have an email from UHC saying that I can get the SOA signed at the beginning of an at home appointment.

Universal America is way off on this sales prevention tool. They have added to it the ridiculous additional requirement to send in the SCOPE (mouth wash) with the application! This is not a CMS requirement!

I sold 5 UHC SH agent friendly plans today! I made a net $16. per year per member ($80) due to the new replacement level commissions. Also sold one Med Supp and a PDP. Whoopee!

I also sold Zero incredibly difficult to deal with Universal American's. My point is with all this crap thrown at us we all need to look at the carriers whom support our efforts. Universal is looking worser every day!:arghh:
It's hard to believe how serious everyone is taking CMS. It's the Federal government. You remember them, the ones who can't do anything right, least of all be accountable.

We are expected to keep the appt form in case they ever need it to prove we did something. Do you really think that CMS is going to spot check with the seniors about the form? LOL. CMS has to be as badly run as FEMA and all the rest.

I don't know what they are trying to do to us, but I'm not just going to sit back and do nothing. There are other ways to make money without dealing with CMS and still help seniors.

We probably have little to worry about until a complaint is filed by a client, or something brings attention to the agent by CMS. If this happens, I think you will possibly see an audit of the agents entire business. These forms had better be a part of our saved documents.