PDP Plans for 2009

Interesting doing a google search on First Health is that a Advantra website comes up.

Those will be my go to plans...

Only problem with First Health, it was sold direct last year. With such a low ball premium, they will not have to pay agents, and can write through an inbound non-agent order taker. :nah:
Anyone familiar with this web site? I just started to look around and thought it might be helpful to someone here.
www.Medicare-PartD.com Home

and while we're on the subject:


Medicare administrator urges every senior to check their plan and other options
By Tucker Sutherland, editor, SeniorJournal.com

Oct. 8, 2008 - Senior citizens may be in for a big surprise if they just renew their Medicare Part D drug plan this year, without checking the details - like the premium, co-pays and deductibles. The cost for 2009 may be substantially higher than it was in 2008. This seemed to be the message being delivered today by Kerry Weems, acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in a telephone news conference.
[SIZE=+1]Senior Citizens News and Information Daily On The Web at SeniorJournal.com
Hi Policy Doctor - The Medicare-PartD.com site was started in mid-2005 to address Medicare Part D prescription drug plan questions submitted by advocates, agents, and Medicare beneficiaries across the country. We currently have over a thousand pages of general and specific information online - including Part D examples, interactive tools, FAQs, and Blogs. Most recently, we have released an overview of 2009 Medicare Part D plans and provide the only online tool that allows people to quickly compare their 2008 and 2009 prescription drug plans for changes in coverage (PDP-Compare). We also provide a retail discount drug search tool that can be used by anyone, including non-Medicare prescription drug (RxSavings-Center). The site is operated for-profit by Q1Group LLC with the brokerage support from National Insurance Markets, Inc.
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you can find the Part D premiums for any company in your area on medicare.gov
Medicare-PartD.com also provides details on all Medicare Part D plans in all states including monthly premiums, benefit structure (deductible, Gap coverage, LIS eligibility), as well as a few features not found on the Medicare Gov website: a definition of Part D plan tiers and co-pays in each tier, plus past enrollment figures for the state or Part D region. The online tool available to get an overview of Part D plans is PDP-Finder.com /2009.
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Medicare-PartD.com also provides details on all Medicare Part D plans in all states including monthly premiums, benefit structure (deductible, Gap coverage, LIS eligibility), as well as a few features not found on the Medicare Gov website: a definition of Part D plan tiers and co-pays in each tier, plus past enrollment figures for the state or Part D region. The online tool available to get an overview of Part D plans is PDP-Finder.com /2009.

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