Permission to Treat


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Reeling from a diagnosis of bone cancer in her right hip, Kathleen Valentini and her husband traveled from North Carolina back to their native New York to seek care.

The hospital had successfully treated her cervical cancer 15 years before, but this time the prognosis Kathleen received in April 2019 was far less optimistic. To treat the aggressive sarcoma, surgeons would need to amputate her right leg, hip and a portion of her pelvis, then she would undergo strong chemotherapy.

The devastating news was worsened by another observation made by the care team: If Kathleen had been seen sooner, the cancer would have most likely been treatable with chemotherapy alone.

“[Her oncologist] said, ‘Had you come here at the very beginning, then it would have been a much easier process,’” Kathleen’s husband Val said in an interview with InvestigateTV
The overwhelming amount of responses to this post kind of shows how much we all care about your propaganda and attempt to run MA plans into the ground. There are 28 million Medicare beneficiaries plum happy with their coverage but you continue to post article after article saying how terrible it is. Not sure why you care so much, keep pushing your stupid Med Sups and go on with your life. I will sell a Med Sup if that’s what client wants but anyone with half a brain can see they are better off the other way.
The overwhelming amount of responses to this post kind of shows how much we all care about your propaganda and attempt to run MA plans into the ground. There are 28 million Medicare beneficiaries plum happy with their coverage but you continue to post article after article saying how terrible it is. Not sure why you care so much, keep pushing your stupid Med Sups and go on with your life. I will sell a Med Sup if that’s what client wants but anyone with half a brain can see they are better off the other way.
The overwhelming amount of responses to this post kind of shows how much we all care about your propaganda and attempt to run MA plans into the ground. There are 28 million Medicare beneficiaries plum happy with their coverage but you continue to post article after article saying how terrible it is. Not sure why you care so much, keep pushing your stupid Med Sups and go on with your life. I will sell a Med Sup if that’s what client wants but anyone with half a brain can see they are better off the other way.
Damn son. Who licked the red off of your candy?

For the record, there are plenty of us that look forward to the man's articles and posts. They're both timely and informational. I read everything the man puts on here.

Why not share your thoughts on why an MA plan is better. For those of us with half a brain.

As far as me and Somarco, I've never met the man. But his mother and my mother went to different schools together.
The overwhelming amount of responses to this post kind of shows how much we all care about your propaganda and attempt to run MA plans into the ground. There are 28 million Medicare beneficiaries plum happy with their coverage but you continue to post article after article saying how terrible it is. Not sure why you care so much, keep pushing your stupid Med Sups and go on with your life. I will sell a Med Sup if that’s what client wants but anyone with half a brain can see they are better off the other way.

It sounds like a typical liberal move to avoid talking about the elephant in the room. (Prior Auth)

It seems like CMS wants to talk about the problem, as they are cracking down on these PA delays in care w new regs.

It looks like insurance companies agree or are running scared, as some recently announced reducing PA by 30%.

It seems you live in a happy place.....that's until you or a family member become a victim of PA.

I've been a victim (half deaf now because of PA delays), how about you?
Since I seem to the only one who clicked on the OP's link, I'd like to point out that the insured died at 50 years old and nowhere does it say that she was on a Medicare Advantage plan.

I never said, or implied, she was on an MAPD.

FYI, MAPD plans are not the only managed care plans out there, but managed care plans are the only health insurance plans I know of with PA baked into the claims adjudication process.

So where's the beef? (Apology to Clara Peeler)