Piecemeal Reconciliation


5000 Post Club
I wont replay the same tape but I continue to caution in every possible way that the repubs should have stayed out of this dialogue thing with Obama until the bill was taken down. You may recall my previous flame about how McCain needs to stay out of it and go play some goldf in AZ and tell the dems that they need to do what they need to do and that they are available for bipartisan conferencing if the bill does not pass. It is not the job of the repubs to run a counseling program for depressed dems and as I said then, "if you think you have a gun that you can use, then you either pull the trigger or put the gun down." But no, repubs ae just walking right into the fireside chat where Obama makes the case for "we cant just stand by while people are hurting in this recession and seeing their premiums go up 39%. Idiots, complete idiots. Walking right into it.

Instead of appearing like a bunch of school boys being summoned to the principles office for a moral lecture in front of the country, the repubs should have and still should just tell the President that the dems have a pending bill and that they need to determine the level of support for that and "we will respect the outcome of that process" and particate in discussions on how to go forward if it does not pass. But no, just keep walking right into it.

Whole Pig-One Shot Obamacare is dead. Not saying otherwise. And yes anything passed through reconciliation is going to take flak. But if Obama picks out a couple areas where there is support among the public (such as fed review of premium increases), then he gets to play the FDR emergency-measures-so-frig-the-law card. They would rather take some heat on the reconciliation thing for passing a couple measures than continue to go into the elections appearing impotent. And of course, the interstate thing is going to pass very soon so they will have that as well (nevermind that the repubs support it).

I know these points are a re-run but I am just sayin, I would not go the way the repubs are going. If I have made a sale (which is what the repubs and moderate dems did in defeating mega-obamacare) I would not be looking for a chance to go back to the customer the next day and see what additional thoughts they may have about things. Just totally, totally unnecessary exposure.

I just would not go that route as I said in earlier posts, and all I can say again is that I just would not go that route. You never known when some *** like Anthem might cut your legs off. If the bill wasnt pending on the floor it would be different because it would take so much steam to get that far along again, versus using reconciliation on a pending bill. DON''T GO THERE YOU IDIOTS.
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Reminds me of the pile of you-know-what Christmas joke. Why the repubs think there's a pony buried underneath is beyond me. Obama knows it's just a pile of you-know-what.
John Boner is getting panicky now that by attending the "bipartisan meeting" without making the dems take the bill down could be walking into a trap and "legislative trickery" laid by by Pelosi and company.

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This seemed like a genius move on Obama's part to me. This is literally a no lose now for him, because they had basically defeated this bill, and now they're putting it back on the table in a public debate with a guy that if you put his picture next to any of the 40 republicans and asked people, "which of these 2 guys looks more trustworthy and genuine" Obama would win against every one of them. I mean if you agree with him or not, you have to know hes wildly charismatic. It's sort of like Will Smith is the president or something wierd like that. He's similar to Palin in that way, she's extremely likable, just completely unqualified and way way too unreliable to want to put in charge of anything. I just think she's dumb. I thought Bush was dumb, and fake, so she might even still be a move up from him, but god.. I wouldn't wish Bush Jr back into office for any reason.

I'm not saying Obama is unreliable, btw, just I still don't believe he was qualified enough to be president. He was vice presidential material that got stuck in the drivers seat because the other candidates were weak. Really I liked Biden and Mccain and Huckabee. Huckabee/McCain would have been a strong ticket, or Biden/Obama. I don't know what the Republicans are thinking still, or more so what McCain was thinking. He might have won if he hadn't decided to change 90% of his political positions during the campaign to the new strict right wing cannon. I miss the old fiscal conservative anti censorship anti government control of anything Republicans.. These neo-nazi fascist theological idiots need to all retire and get replaced by businessmen.

Politically there is 0 reason for reconciliation to be necessary. They just need to call the bluff and make the Republicans filibuster after they condense all the bill into 1 thing they agree on. So far the republicans have filibustered 0 bills this year, they just threatened it and the Democrats said "oh golly we cant have that lets do whatever you 40 guys that represent 10% of the population want." Personally I'd enjoy to see them sit in chamber, drink milk and water only, no bathroom breaks and speak for a day or 2 on cspan reading from the phone book or bible or whatever they wanna do till they give it up. Harry Reid just lacks the spine for it.

Where is all the crying for an up and down vote now? lol.
Hopefully they are listening to The Hammer, because The Hammer says it all:

Krauthammer/Condi 2012
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Yup. well that is not a bad idea. He is suggesting that you find one republican who is not an *** and let him speak and make sure the other idiots are not allowed to walk into the trap. That way you show up but dont get ensnared en masse. Where that idea has fallen flat with me when I thought about it (more in terms of who they would send as a small entourage rather than just one person) is that all I could think of was idiots like McCain going over. Krauthammers idea is excellent. It is just that he projects on to them what a smart person would do in the same circumstances. What the republicans actually do is another matter.

The dynamics are a mess anyway. Repubs are being summoned to show that they have ideas and let Obama try to outshine them so that he will have a case to ram limited things through reconciliation which is brewing in the background (not reconciliation on Obamacame in toto) Obama wants to just stand there and radiate bliss like Jesus Christ. He is afraid to face the public with a failed bill that was done behind closed doors. Now he will be able to say that the repubs were included. Dynamics are not good. Obama is still framing the process.

As Krauthammer says, they need someone who is not an ***. Someone who can sit up in the saddle before the public and radiate a full octave higher than the dems. Instead of the repubs showing to try to prove that they are not drones, they should go on the offensive and be saying "Mr. President we want to give your proposals full consideration to see where we may be able to agree......so we just have some questions that we would like you to address at this time if you would, because as you know republicans were not included in earlier discussions. (or other dems either for that matter). Then you go at it. Turn the frigging dynamics around . Easier said than done with that crew. Krauthammer: Right idea but needs the right "man" to make it work.

Also, here is another thought. How the hell did Barry end out brokering this when he has not been involved in the process or the legislation to date. The major complaint among dems is that he has been an AWOL observer. There was no white house sponsored bill and no one really knows what Obamacare is other than whatever passes/passed pursuant to some generic goals. So it is primarily a legislative issue. So tell Obama that you are willing to particpate but you want a non-partisan person to broker a discussion between the republican leadership or designees and the dem leadership or designees. That way you have a drone to drone discussion or the best of their best discussion. But no, why dont the republicans just sign up for word match with Jesus Christ Superstar who is a known media blitz in and of himself. Meanwhile the dem drones just sit on the sidelines and watch their man go at it.

In other words, if you think Krauthammers reasoning through, he is saying why dont you idiots send one good person over to speak and not the drones BECAUSE GUESS WHO WHAT THE DEMS ARE GOING TO DO. Idiots. just complete idiots. Maybe Krauthammer can pack their lunch for them and put them on the bus. Turn the frigging dynamics around for gawds sake.

Yeh. why dont we have McCain drone on about how he has always been willing to work across the aisle for last 50 years. Completely retarded. Either stay out of it or smarten up.
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I can only say again and again again and again that the Republicans are walking into a trap with this meeting with Barry without requiring them to take the bill down first. Don't do it you flaming idiots.

Reid, Boxer, Pelosi, etc. Those people are dirty and filthy in the way they do business. They are letting Obama stage a dog and pony show so they can ram some piecemeal stuff through reconciliation and claim that republicans were included in the process and that the process was transparent. What the hell is the matter with these idiots. You make a sale with the public now you want to go back and rework it.
Good gawd. Idiots.

On, and did I mention Anthem.........gasoline.....fire .......etc.

Did they require them to take the bill down first? No, frig em then the goddam idiots.
If those idiots can't lower the cost of health care then what is the purpose? Somebody somewhere somehow has got to lower the cost.

Requiring people to purchase health insurance sounds a lot like their Social Security pyramid.
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Public option is back. I hope it passes. Once folks find out how hard it is to find a doc willing to treat them they will burn down the Capitol Building.

Same for the premium increases if GI becomes law.

Where will they get the money to fund this?

Raiding your 401(k)