Piecemeal Reconciliation

Public option is back. I hope it passes. Once folks find out how hard it is to find a doc willing to treat them they will burn down the Capitol Building.

Same for the premium increases if GI becomes law.

Where will they get the money to fund this?

Raiding your 401(k)

I will spare myself and everyone another flame on the absolute stupidity of the republicans going to this summit without requiring them to take the bill down first. Just a dog and pony show so that they can move into reconciliation right after. Honest to God, how flucking, flaming, half-arsed stupid can you get.
Anyone, R or D, that agree's to participate in negotiations and a vote on reform might as well start looking for another job.

Health care reform is a job's killer.

As much as it galls me to say this, Bill Clinton was right. It's the economy, stupid.

MAJOR tax cuts, individual and corporate, will stimulate the economy more than anything else they have done.

Until they can put money in the hands of the individuals, demand for goods and services will continue to diminish, which leads to more layoffs and no new hires.
Dangerous is one way to put it.

Stupid is another.

The more spending legislation that is passed, the worse off the economy will become which compounds the problem of tax collections at all levels (local, state, federal).

These stupid jobs programs will not put folks back to work for years. Tax credits are fine as long as businesses have customers, but without customers businesses won't expand, hire and rehire.

You would think the last 12 months would have taught them that much.

Apparently not.